Administration and Scoring Errors on the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement: Before and During COVID-19.

Adam B Lockwood, Kelsey Klatka, Brandon Parker, Nicholas Benson
Author Information
  1. Adam B Lockwood: Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA. ORCID
  2. Kelsey Klatka: Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA.
  3. Brandon Parker: Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA.
  4. Nicholas Benson: Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA. ORCID


Eighty Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement protocols from 40 test administrators were examined to determine the types and frequencies of administration and scoring errors made. Non-critical errors (e.g., failure to record verbatim) were found on every protocol ( = 37.2). Critical (e.g., standard score, start point) errors were found on 98.8% of protocols ( = 15.3). Additionally, a series of paired samples t-test were conducted to determine differences in total, critical, and non-critical errors pre- and during-COVID-19. No statistic differences were found. Our findings add to a growing body of research that suggests that errors on norm-referenced tests of achievement are pervasive. However, the frequency of errors did not appear to be affected by COVID-19 stressors or social distancing requirements. Implications of these findings for training and practice are discussed. Suggestions for future research are also provided.



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  5. J Psychoeduc Assess. 2023 Aug;41(5):501-513 [PMID: 38602923]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0errorsfoundCOVID-19Woodcock-JohnsonIVTestsprotocolsdetermineeg=differencesfindingsresearchnorm-referencedtestsachievementEightyAchievement40testadministratorsexaminedtypesfrequenciesadministrationscoringmadeNon-criticalfailurerecordverbatimeveryprotocol372Criticalstandardscorestartpoint988%153Additionallyseriespairedsamplest-testconductedtotalcriticalnon-criticalpre-during-COVID-19statisticaddgrowingbodysuggestspervasiveHoweverfrequencyappearaffectedstressorssocialdistancingrequirementsImplicationstrainingpracticediscussedSuggestionsfuturealsoprovidedAdministrationScoringErrorsAchievement:Woodcock���Johnsonassessment

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