The Use of Multiple Exemplar Instruction to Induce Emergent Listener Discriminations and Emergent Intraverbal Vocal Responses in Autistic Children.

Kate Hewett, Emma Hawkins
Author Information
  1. Kate Hewett: Jigsaw CABAS�� School, Building 20, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6, 8TB UK.
  2. Emma Hawkins: Jigsaw CABAS�� School, Building 20, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6, 8TB UK. ORCID


This study tested for the emergence of listener discriminations and intraverbal vocal responses following tact training with four autistic children. All participants were trained to tact the name and the favorite food of two contrived cartoon monsters in the presence of a picture of the monster (e.g., "What is the name of this monster?" - "Max" and "What food does the monster eat?" - "Sweets") to evaluate the effects of emergent listener discriminations and emergent intraverbal vocal responses. Once criterion was met on the tact training, participants were tested for emergent listener discriminations (e.g., "Who eats sweets?" And "Who is Max?") and emergent intraverbal vocal responses (e.g., "What food does Max eat?" - "Sweets" and "Who eats sweets?" - "Max" in the absence of the picture). After training, all four participants engaged in emergent listener responding but only one participant engaged in emergent intraverbal responding. Multiple exemplar instruction (MEI) was used to teach those who could not engage in emergent intraverbal responding, and it was demonstrated to be effective. These findings are educationally significant because efficiency of instruction is important to maximize instructional impact, and to reduce the time and resource-intensive nature of behavior-analytic programming.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0emergentintraverballistenerdiscriminationstraining-vocalresponsestactparticipantsfoodeg"What"WhorespondingMultipleinstructionEmergenttestedfournamepicturemonster"Max"eat?""Sweets"eatssweets?"engagedexemplarListenerIntraverbalstudyemergencefollowingautisticchildrentrainedfavoritetwocontrivedcartoonmonsterspresencemonster?"evaluateeffectscriterionmetMax?"MaxabsenceoneparticipantMEIusedteachengagedemonstratedeffectivefindingseducationallysignificantefficiencyimportantmaximizeinstructionalimpactreducetimeresource-intensivenaturebehavior-analyticprogrammingUseExemplarInstructionInduceDiscriminationsVocalResponsesAutisticChildrenverbalbehaviorTact

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