The Committee on Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs of the Food Sanitation Council under the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council set the maximum residue limits (MRLs) for residual pesticides, veterinary drugs, and feed additives in food commodities according to the basic principles for establishing MRLs for pesticides in food commodities in Japan. The basic principles consist of the following seven concepts: 1. Outline of setting Japanese MRLs for pesticide residue in food commodities; 2. Preparation of draft MRLs for pesticides in livestock commodities; 3. Preparation of draft MRLs for pesticides in fish and shellfish; 4. Technical guideline for setting MRLs for pesticides, etc., in honey; 5. Methods of setting standards for chemical substances used as pesticides in the past that are now detected as contaminants; 6. Concept of setting MRLs for pesticides at an extremely low level; and 7. Commodity groups and representative commodities regarding MRLs based on international harmonization. The present paper introduces and explains the basic principles for establishing MRLs for pesticides, veterinary drugs, and feed additives in food commodities.