Hospital Admission for Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Thai Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A National Study During 2015-2019

Somboon Wankanit, Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat, Preamrudee Poomthavorn, Taninee Sahakitrungruang, Pat Mahachoklertwattana
Author Information
  1. Somboon Wankanit: Mahidol University, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Bangkok, Thailand ORCID
  2. Kaewjai Thepsuthammarat: Khon Kaen University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Khon Kaen, Thailand ORCID
  3. Preamrudee Poomthavorn: Mahidol University, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Bangkok, Thailand ORCID
  4. Taninee Sahakitrungruang: Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Bangkok, Thailand ORCID
  5. Pat Mahachoklertwattana: Mahidol University, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Bangkok, Thailand ORCID


Objective: To study the national incidence of admission for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in Thai children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) and characterize risk factors for DKA admission.
Methods: Admission records of children and adolescents with T1D during the years 2015-2019 were retrieved from the Thai health coverage system of all schemes. Hospitalization was categorized according to patients��� age groups (<1, 1-5, 6-12 and 13-17 years), sex and geographical regions (Bangkok, Central, Northeast, North and South). DKA admission incidence and rate were calculated and compared among subgroups.
Results: The annual incidences of T1D and DKA admissions per 100,000 child-years progressively increased over the study period (T1D: 12.0 to 15.0, p<0.001 and DKA: 4.8 to 7.3, p<0.001). About half of DKA admissions (52%) were recurrent episodes. DKA admission rate was 1.49 admissions/patient. The incidence of DKA admission was greatest in individuals aged 13-17 years (13-17 years: 10.3; 6-12 years: 6.3; 1-5 years: 1.7; and <1 year: 0.6 per 100,000 child-years, p<0.001). DKA admission incidence was greater in females than males (7.6 vs. 4.3 per 100,000 child-years, p<0.001). Across the geographical regions, the greatest percentage of recurrent DKA (57%), rate of increased annual incidence of DKA admission (3.8 to 7.8 per 100,000 child-years), and DKA admission rate (1.64 admissions/patient) were found in the Northeast region.
Conclusion: During the years 2015-2019, rising annual incidences of T1D and DKA admissions among Thai youth were observed. Individuals older than 6 years, being female, and resided in the Northeast region conveyed a higher risk for DKA hospitalization.



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MeSH Term

Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Child, Preschool
Risk Factors
Retrospective Studies
Southeast Asian People

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0DKAadmission1incidenceyears3ThaiT1Drateper100000child-yearsp<000176children13-17Northeastannualadmissions08years:studyketoacidosisadolescentstypediabetesriskAdmission2015-2019<11-56-12geographicalregionsamongincidencesincreased4recurrentadmissions/patientgreatestregionhospitalizationObjective:nationaldiabeticmellituscharacterizefactorsMethods:recordsretrievedhealthcoveragesystemschemesHospitalizationcategorizedaccordingpatients���agegroupssexBangkokCentralNorthSouthcalculatedcomparedsubgroupsResults:progressivelyperiodT1D:1215DKA:half52%episodes49individualsaged10year:greaterfemalesmalesvsAcrosspercentage57%64foundConclusion:risingyouthobservedIndividualsolderfemaleresidedconveyedhigherHospitalDiabeticKetoacidosisChildrenAdolescentsTypeDiabetes:NationalStudy2015-2019Diabeticadolescent

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