Intimate Partner Violence Predicts Child Marriage and Pregnancy Among Adolescents in Malawi.

Sonal Swain, Rachel Kidman, Etienne Breton, Rachel Chihana, Hans-Peter Kohler
Author Information
  1. Sonal Swain: Stony Brook University (State University of New York), USA. ORCID
  2. Rachel Kidman: Stony Brook University (State University of New York), USA. ORCID
  3. Etienne Breton: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, PA, USA.
  4. Rachel Chihana: University of Malawi-College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi.
  5. Hans-Peter Kohler: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.


A sizeable literature has shown that child marriage is associated with an increased risk for intimate partner violence (IPV). However, this research has been cross-sectional, and the temporality of the association has not been investigated. Specifically, no study has yet examined whether IPV is a predictor of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy. This study uses prospective longitudinal data on a cohort of adolescent girls from the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health to evaluate whether IPV victimization predicts child marriage or adolescent pregnancy. Using survival models, we find that adolescent girls who experienced physical IPV (measured at survey baseline, in 2017-2018) are more likely to enter child marriages (measured at survey follow-up, in 2021) (hazard ratio [HR]���=���2.7 [1.44, 5.08]). Experiencing sexual IPV is also significantly associated with adolescent pregnancy (HR���=���1.97 [1.16, 3.33]). These findings indicate the need for greater intervention to ensure healthy adolescent relationships, as well as further research to understand how abusive relationships shape early transitions to adulthood.



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  1. P2C HD041023/NICHD NIH HHS
  2. R01 HD090988/NICHD NIH HHS

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