Sustainable Digital Transformation: Its Impact on Perceived Value and Adoption Intention of Industry 4.0 in Moderating Effects of Uncertainty Avoidance.

Yuli Sartono, Endang Siti Astuti, Wilopo Wilopo, Teuku Noerman
Author Information
  1. Yuli Sartono: Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia.
  2. Endang Siti Astuti: Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia.
  3. Wilopo Wilopo: Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia.
  4. Teuku Noerman: Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia. ORCID


Background: Industry 4.0 is a significant technical revolution that combines big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems to improve manufacturing productivity. This study investigates the impact of digital trust and sustainable attitude on perceived value and the intention to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies. It also examines the moderating role of uncertainty avoidance in these relationships.
Methods: Data were collected from 189 employees of leading manufacturing companies in Indonesia that are recognized for their Industry 4.0 practices. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) methodology with SmartPLS software to test the proposed hypotheses and explore the moderating effects.
Results: The findings reveal that both digital trust and sustainable attitude significantly influence perceived value. However, these factors do not directly affect the intention to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies. Uncertainty avoidance moderates the relationship between digital trust and adoption intention. Specifically, in environments with high uncertainty avoidance, digital trust becomes a critical factor influencing the decision to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies.
Conclusions: The study provides valuable insights for organizations aiming to implement Industry 4.0 initiatives. It highlights the importance of fostering digital trust and considering cultural dimensions, such as uncertainty avoidance, in their technology adoption strategies.


Associated Data

figshare | 10.6084/m9.figshare.26302273.v2

MeSH Term

Internet of Things
Middle Aged
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.040IndustrydigitaltrustavoidanceintentionadoptuncertaintysustainableattitudeperceivedvaluetechnologiesdatamanufacturingstudymoderatingUncertaintyadoptionBackground:significanttechnicalrevolutioncombinesbiganalyticsInternetThingsIoTcyber-physicalsystemsimproveproductivityinvestigatesimpactalsoexaminesrolerelationshipsMethods:Datacollected189employeesleadingcompaniesIndonesiarecognizedpracticesanalyzedusingPartialLeastSquaresPLSmethodologySmartPLSsoftwaretestproposedhypothesesexploreeffectsResults:findingsrevealsignificantlyinfluenceHoweverfactorsdirectlyaffectmoderatesrelationshipSpecificallyenvironmentshighbecomescriticalfactorinfluencingdecisionConclusions:providesvaluableinsightsorganizationsaimingimplementinitiativeshighlightsimportancefosteringconsideringculturaldimensionstechnologystrategiesSustainableDigitalTransformation:ImpactPerceivedValueAdoptionIntentionModeratingEffectsAvoidanceindustry

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