Alleviation of LPS-induced Endothelial Injury due to GHRH Antagonist Treatment.

Saikat Fakir, Khadeja-Tul Kubra, Mohammad Shohel Akhter, Mohammad Afaz Uddin, Nektarios Barabutis
Author Information
  1. Saikat Fakir: School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana Monroe, 1800 Bienville Drive, Monroe, LA 71201, USA.
  2. Khadeja-Tul Kubra: School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana Monroe, 1800 Bienville Drive, Monroe, LA 71201, USA.
  3. Mohammad Shohel Akhter: School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana Monroe, 1800 Bienville Drive, Monroe, LA 71201, USA.
  4. Mohammad Afaz Uddin: School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana Monroe, 1800 Bienville Drive, Monroe, LA 71201, USA.
  5. Nektarios Barabutis: School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana Monroe, 1800 Bienville Drive, Monroe, LA 71201, USA.


Background: GHRH is produced in the hypothalamus and affects various tissues beyond the pituitary, including the lungs. GHRH antagonists exert anti-inflammatory properties in several experimental models of disease, but their role inprotecting the endothelial barrier during inflammation is less understood. This study investigates the effects ofGHRHAnt on LPS-induced endothelial dysfunction.
Methods: BPAEC and HMVEC-L cells were exposed to LPS to induce endothelial injury. GHRHAnt was administered eitherpre- or post-LPS treatment. Western blot analysis was used to evaluate protein expression levels. Paracellularpermeability was assessed utilizing FITC-dextran assay to evaluate endothelial barrier function.
Results: GHRHAnt post-treatment significantly reduced LPS-induced MLC2 phosphorylation and cofilin activation inBPAECs. Furthermore, pretreatment with GHRHAnt enhanced barrier function and ameliorated LPS-inducedhyperpermeability in both human and bovine endothelial cells.
Conclusions: GHRHAnt treatment mitigates LPS-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction. These findings suggest that GHRHAntcould serve as potential therapeutic agents towards endothelial dysfunction-related illness (e.g. sepsis).



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  1. P20 GM103424/NIGMS NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0endothelialbarrierLPS-inducedGHRHAntGHRHdysfunctioncellstreatmentevaluatefunctionEndothelialInjuryBackground:producedhypothalamusaffectsvarioustissuesbeyondpituitaryincludinglungsantagonistsexertanti-inflammatorypropertiesseveralexperimentalmodelsdiseaseroleinprotectinginflammationlessunderstoodstudyinvestigateseffectsofGHRHAntMethods:BPAECHMVEC-LexposedLPSinduceinjuryadministeredeitherpre-post-LPSWesternblotanalysisusedproteinexpressionlevelsParacellularpermeabilityassessedutilizingFITC-dextranassayResults:post-treatmentsignificantlyreducedMLC2phosphorylationcofilinactivationinBPAECsFurthermorepretreatmentenhancedamelioratedLPS-inducedhyperpermeabilityhumanbovineConclusions:mitigatesfindingssuggestGHRHAntcouldservepotentialtherapeuticagentstowardsdysfunction-relatedillnessegsepsisAlleviationdueAntagonistTreatmentBarrierGrowthHormoneInflammationLung

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