Ultrasound-mediated cardiovascular thrombolysis: from Sonothrombolysis to Sonoperfusion.

Zhixin Jiang, Nan Jiang, Zhiwen Wang, Qing Deng, Qing Zhou, Bo Hu
Author Information
  1. Zhixin Jiang: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China.
  2. Nan Jiang: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China.
  3. Zhiwen Wang: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China.
  4. Qing Deng: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China.
  5. Qing Zhou: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China.
  6. Bo Hu: Echo Lab, Department of Ultrasound Imaging, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, PR China. ORCID


The incidence of coronary artery disease has been increasing in recent years, with acute myocardial infarction as its most severe onset. The major aim for clinical treatment is to restore myocardial blood supply with the recanalization of coronary circulation as early as possible, while the still existed issue of microcirculation thromboembolism has become a serious obstacle. Thus, thrombus elimination in coronary microcirculation is crucial and essential to improve the treatment outcome of acute myocardial infarction. In recent years, from sonothrombolysis to sonoperfusion, ultrasound-mediated cardiovascular thrombolysis can effectively solve the problem of vascular thromboembolism, including microcirculation thromboembolism, and the treatment method is expected to obtain satisfied thrombolytic treatment effect with microthrombus elimination in coronary microvessels and function recovery of terminal microcirculation, which has potential clinical value for the establishment of novel treatment for coronary thromboembolism. Therefore, this paper reviews ultrasound-mediated cardiovascular thrombolysis including sonothrombolysis and sonoperfusion for the application exploration in the treatment of coronary artery thromboembolism, the mechanism of action, and its research progress.



  1. 82102045/National Natural Science Foundation of China
  2. JCRCFZ-2022-004/The Interdisciplinary Innovative Talents Foundation from Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University

MeSH Term

Thrombolytic Therapy
Ultrasonic Therapy
Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Artery Disease

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0coronarytreatmentthromboembolismmicrocirculationarterymyocardialcardiovascularthrombolysisdiseaserecentyearsacuteinfarctionclinicaleliminationsonothrombolysissonoperfusionultrasound-mediatedincludingmicrothrombusincidenceincreasingsevereonsetmajoraimrestorebloodsupplyrecanalizationcirculationearlypossiblestillexistedissuebecomeseriousobstacleThusthrombuscrucialessentialimproveoutcomecaneffectivelysolveproblemvascularmethodexpectedobtainsatisfiedthrombolyticeffectmicrovesselsfunctionrecoveryterminalpotentialvalueestablishmentnovelThereforepaperreviewsapplicationexplorationmechanismactionresearchprogressUltrasound-mediatedthrombolysis:SonothrombolysisSonoperfusionmicrobubbleultrasound

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