Unpacking the package of amendments to the International Health Regulations at country level.

Hanan Balkhy
Author Information
  1. Hanan Balkhy: Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo, Egypt.


The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) is home to 745 million people, of whom 107 million (14%) need humanitarian assistance. EMR is the source of 55% of the world's refugees and has 33.7 million people who have been forcibly displaced. Of the region's 22 Member States and territories, 13 are directly or indirectly affected by conflicts, 9 are classified by the World Bank as in 'fragile or conflict-affected situations' and 6 rank among the lowest globally on the World Bank's political stability and absence of violence indicator.


  1. 001/World Health Organization

MeSH Term

International Health Regulations
World Health Organization
Mediterranean Region
Global Health
International Cooperation

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0millionEMRpeopleWorldWHOEasternMediterraneanRegionhome74510714%needhumanitarianassistancesource55%world'srefugees337forciblydisplacedregion's22MemberStatesterritories13directlyindirectlyaffectedconflicts9classifiedBank'fragileconflict-affectedsituations'6rankamonglowestgloballyBank'spoliticalstabilityabsenceviolenceindicatorUnpackingpackageamendmentsInternationalHealthRegulationscountrylevel

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