Evaluating an e-learning course's impact and challenges on genomic literacy among medical professionals.

Miwa Arita, Takami Maeno, Emiko Noguchi, Motoko Sasaki, Hidehiko Miyake
Author Information
  1. Miwa Arita: Department of Clinical Genetics, University of Tsukuba Hospital, Japan.
  2. Takami Maeno: Department of General Medicine and Primary Care, University of Tsukuba Hospital, Japan.
  3. Emiko Noguchi: Department of Clinical Genetics, University of Tsukuba Hospital, Japan.
  4. Motoko Sasaki: Department of Genetic Counseling, Division of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu, University, Tokyo, Japan.
  5. Hidehiko Miyake: Department of Genetic Counseling, Division of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu, University, Tokyo, Japan.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to confirm and evaluate the learning effect of a physician-facing e-learning course on genetic medicine for improving genomic literacy.
Methods: We employed qualitative and quantitative methodology to survey 103 physicians who took the course at a national university in Japan. Evaluations were conducted at the levels of participant feedback, learning, and behaviour. Participants completed a questionnaire and test (full score = 100) before and after the course. Pre- and post-test scores were compared using paired-samples t-tests and Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the difference their clinical experience. The effect size was estimated using Cohen's d.
Results: Responses were obtained from 96 physicians. Approximately 80% (n = 75-93) of participants responded positively to the course, a result supported by the qualitative data. The mean scores for the pre- and post-test showed an increase from 71.25 to 74.58 (p=0.008). In particular, mean test scores increased significantly from 68.94 to 75.53 (p<0.001) in physicians with no clinical experience in genetic medicine, while no significance was observed scores for physicians with clinical experience in genetics from 73.47 to 73.67 (p=0.903). Behavioural assessment was carried out for 28 participants; however, no statistically significant differences were identified.
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that our e-learning course was useful for physicians with no experience of genetic medicine. For those with experience, it may be necessary to provide more practice-based education and educational methodologies. Behavioural assessment needs to be examined further.



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MeSH Term

Surveys and Questionnaires
Computer-Assisted Instruction
Educational Measurement
Education, Distance
Middle Aged
Health Literacy

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0coursephysiciansexperiencee-learninggeneticmedicinegenomicscoresliteracytestclinicallearningeffectqualitative=post-testusingparticipantsmeanp=073BehaviouralassessmenteducationmedicalprofessionalsObjectives:aimstudyconfirmevaluatephysician-facingimprovingMethods:employedquantitativemethodologysurvey103tooknationaluniversityJapanEvaluationsconductedlevelsparticipantfeedbackbehaviourParticipantscompletedquestionnairefullscore100Pre-comparedpaired-samplest-testsMann-WhitneyUusedcomparedifferencesizeestimatedCohen'sdResults:Responsesobtained96Approximately80%n75-93respondedpositivelyresultsupporteddatapre-showedincrease71257458008particularincreasedsignificantly68947553p<0001significanceobservedgenetics4767903carried28howeverstatisticallysignificantdifferencesidentifiedConclusions:findingsindicateusefulmaynecessaryprovidepractice-basededucationalmethodologiesneedsexaminedfurtherEvaluatingcourse'simpactchallengesamongprogramme

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