The era of digital trade: Exploring new mechanisms and threshold effects for green upgrading of manufacturing companies.

Zhisheng Wang, Jia You, Tan Li, Yabin Zhang
Author Information
  1. Zhisheng Wang: School of social sciences, the University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom.
  2. Jia You: School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, 300380, China.
  3. Tan Li: Business School, Heilongjiang University of Business and Technology, Harbin, 150025, China. Electronic address:
  4. Yabin Zhang: Neijiang Vocational and Technical College, Neijiang, 512100, China. Electronic address:


The green transformation of manufacturing companies is of strategic importance for promoting sustainable development, optimising energy structure and improving environmental quality. This article empirically examines the impact of digital trade on the green transformation of manufacturing companies and the role of green technology innovation using panel data of Chinese A-share listed manufacturing companies from 2011 to 2021. The findings are as follows: digital trade significantly accelerates the green transformation of manufacturing companies, and this effect is more obvious in mature companies, highly competitive industries and non-renewable energy companies. The mechanism study shows that the development of digital trade can promote the green transformation of manufacturing companies by improving the quantity, quality and continuity of green technology innovation. Threshold effect studies show that there is a single threshold effect for the cumulative effect of green technology innovation. When the threshold is crossed, digital trade will optimise the green transformation of manufacturing companies. This article provides important theoretical support for policymakers and business leaders to promote digital trade and achieve green transformation of companies.


MeSH Term

Manufacturing Industry
Sustainable Development
Conservation of Natural Resources

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0companiesgreentransformationmanufacturingdigitaltradetechnologyinnovationeffectthresholddevelopmentenergyimprovingqualityarticlepromoteGreenstrategicimportancepromotingsustainableoptimisingstructureenvironmentalempiricallyexaminesimpactroleusingpaneldataChineseA-sharelisted20112021findingsfollows:significantlyacceleratesobviousmaturehighlycompetitiveindustriesnon-renewablemechanismstudyshowscanquantitycontinuityThresholdstudiesshowsinglecumulativecrossedwilloptimiseprovidesimportanttheoreticalsupportpolicymakersbusinessleadersachieveeratrade:ExploringnewmechanismseffectsupgradingDigitalManufacturing

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