Torsten Bauer: Lungenklinik Heckeshorn, Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring Berlin-Zehlendorf, Berlin, Deutschland.
Winfried Randerath: Klinik f��r Pneumologie und Allergologie, Zentrum f��r Schlaf- und Beatmungsmedizin, Krankenhaus Bethanien Solingen, Solingen, Deutschland.
Wolfram Windisch: Kliniken der Stadt K��ln gGmbH, Lungenklinik, Lehrstuhl f��r Pneumologie, Universit��t Witten/Herdecke, Fakult��t f��r Gesundheit/Department f��r Humanmedizin, K��ln, Deutschland.
Lars Hagmeyer: Klinik f��r Pneumologie und Allergologie, Zentrum f��r Schlaf- und Beatmungsmedizin, Krankenhaus Bethanien Solingen, Solingen, Deutschland. ORCID
Bronchoscopy has changed considerably in recent years as a result of technical innovations and health economic pressure. There is little current information available on the reality of bronchoscopy care in Germany. METHODOLOGY: In September 2022, sites where bronchoscopy was carried out were systematically surveyed regarding structural and process quality features in an anonymized DGP survey with 33 questions. The data collected were analyzed descriptively. RESULTS: Of the 196 participating sites, bronchoscopies were performed regularly at 180 sites. The majority were standard secondary care (n=51) and tertiary care (n=43) hospitals (range of services: diagnostic bronchoscopy, predominantly (80%) including endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration, EBUS-TBNA). Extended treatment options were guaranteed for acute cases at >90% of these locations. University hospitals (n=24) and specialist pulmonary hospitals (n=35) also offered more complex diagnostic procedures and therapeutic-interventional techniques. The performance figures were significantly higher in the specialist pulmonary hospital (specialist pulmonary hospitals: 62%: >2000 bronchoscopies/year; university hospitals: 25%: >2000 bronchoscopies/year; p<0.001). In the practice setting (n=21, partly in co-operation with hospitals) , <500 bronchoscopies/year were performed.Intensive care units were available in 97% of the hospitals; 88% of the hospitals had fluoroscopy facilities in the bronchoscopy room. Propofol (91%) and/or midazolam (62%) were the preferred drugs for sedation. At 21% of the sites, >200 bronchoscopies under ventilation/year were performed. BAL and transbronchial forceps biopsies were mainly performed via the nasal or oral approach, EBUS-TBNA via a bronchoscopy tube or the oral approach, the EBUS mini-probe/navigation, cryotechnique or more complex interventions via the rigid tube or a bronchoscopy tube. ASA >2 led to involvement of a second physician at 46% of clinical sites, at 47% of sites at an ASA classification >3. CONCLUSION: The majority of bronchoscopic examinations are performed in respiratory departments at secondary care centres as well as maximum care hospitals. For more complex procedures, cooperation with hospitals specialized in bronchoscopy (e.g. university hospital or a specialist lung clinic) is advisable.