A Bias Network Approach (BNA) to Encourage Ethical Reflection Among AI Developers.

Gabriela Arriagada-Bruneau, Claudia L��pez, Alexandra Davidoff
Author Information
  1. Gabriela Arriagada-Bruneau: Instituto de ��ticas Aplicadas, Instituto de Ingenier��a Matem��tica y Computacional, Pontificia Universidad Cat��lica de Chile, Avenida Vicu��a Mackenna, 4860, Santiago, Chile. gcarriagada@uc.cl. ORCID
  2. Claudia L��pez: Departamento de Inform��tica, Universidad T��cnica Federico Santa Mar��a, Avenida Espa��a, 1680, Valpara��so, Chile. ORCID
  3. Alexandra Davidoff: Sociology of Childhood and Children's Rights, Social Research Institute, UCL. 20 Bedford Way, London, UK. ORCID


We introduce the Bias Network Approach (BNA) as a sociotechnical method for AI developers to identify, map, and relate biases across the AI development process. This approach addresses the limitations of what we call the "isolationist approach to AI bias," a trend in AI literature where biases are seen as separate occurrences linked to specific stages in an AI pipeline. Dealing with these multiple biases can trigger a sense of excessive overload in managing each potential bias individually or promote the adoption of an uncritical approach to understanding the influence of biases in developers' decision-making. The BNA fosters dialogue and a critical stance among developers, guided by external experts, using graphical representations to depict biased connections. To test the BNA, we conducted a pilot case study on the "waiting list" project, involving a small AI developer team creating a healthcare waiting list NPL model in Chile. The analysis showed promising findings: (i) the BNA aids in visualizing interconnected biases and their impacts, facilitating ethical reflection in a more accessible way; (ii) it promotes transparency in decision-making throughout AI development; and (iii) more focus is necessary on professional biases and material limitations as sources of bias in AI development.



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  1. DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE 2018/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  2. 72190086/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  3. Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA)/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  4. BASAL/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  5. FB210017/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  6. Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA)/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  7. BASAL/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  8. FB210017/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  9. Millenium Nucleus FAIR NCS2022_065/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  10. Millenium Nucleus FAIR NCS2022_065/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  11. MAGISTER BECAS CHILE 2023/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo
  12. 73230353/Agencia Nacional de Investigaci��n y Desarrollo

MeSH Term

Decision Making
Artificial Intelligence
Pilot Projects

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0AIbiasesBNAbiasdevelopmentapproachBiasNetworkApproachdeveloperslimitationsdecision-makingintroducesociotechnicalmethodidentifymaprelateacrossprocessaddressescall"isolationist"trendliteratureseenseparateoccurrenceslinkedspecificstagespipelineDealingmultiplecantriggersenseexcessiveoverloadmanagingpotentialindividuallypromoteadoptionuncriticalunderstandinginfluencedevelopers'fostersdialoguecriticalstanceamongguidedexternalexpertsusinggraphicalrepresentationsdepictbiasedconnectionstestconductedpilotcasestudy"waitinglist"projectinvolvingsmalldeveloperteamcreatinghealthcarewaitinglistNPLmodelChileanalysisshowedpromisingfindings:aidsvisualizinginterconnectedimpactsfacilitatingethicalreflectionaccessiblewayiipromotestransparencythroughoutiiifocusnecessaryprofessionalmaterialsourcesEncourageEthicalReflectionAmongDevelopersethicsDecision-makingProfessionalSociotechnical

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