European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) Good Practice Recommendations on surgical techniques for Removal of Fibroids: Part 2 Hysteroscopic Myomectomy.

T J Clark, L Antoun, A Di Spiezio Sardo, V Tanos, J Huirne, E W Bousma, T Smith-Walker, E Saridogan
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Submucosal uterine fibroids are the rarest type of fibroids. They can lead to abnormal uterine bleeding and may play a role in infertility and miscarriage. Hysteroscopic myomectomy is the preferred treatment to relieve bleeding caused by these fibroids and to restore the normal structure of the uterine cavity. The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Uterine Fibroids Working Group developed recommendations based on the best available evidence and expert opinion for the surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. In this second part of the recommendations, hysteroscopic approaches are described. This review explores the techniques related to hysteroscopic myomectomy, focusing on narrower scopes, fluid management and advances in tissue removal systems and electrosurgery.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0uterinefibroidsbleedingHysteroscopicmyomectomytreatmentEuropeanSocietyGynaecologicalEndoscopyrecommendationssurgicalhysteroscopictechniquesSubmucosalraresttypecanleadabnormalmayplayroleinfertilitymiscarriagepreferredrelievecausedrestorenormalstructurecavityUterineFibroidsWorkingGroupdevelopedbasedbestavailableevidenceexpertopinionsecondpartapproachesdescribedreviewexploresrelatedfocusingnarrowerscopesfluidmanagementadvancestissueremovalsystemselectrosurgeryESGEGoodPracticeRecommendationsRemovalFibroids:Part2Myomectomy

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