Using an Online Measurement Data Management Platform to Improve Survey Response Rates in a Community Sexual Assault Centre.

Gena K Dufour, Sung Hyun Yun, Lydia Fiorini
Author Information
  1. Gena K Dufour: Department of Psychology, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. ORCID
  2. Sung Hyun Yun: School of Social Work, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
  3. Lydia Fiorini: Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.


PURPOSE: Data collection in community organizations can be challenging, but important for evaluative initiatives as well as for therapeutic purposes, such as for organizations engaged in measurement-based care. This study tested the impact of an online measurement data management platform (OMDMP) on mental health assessment response rates at a community-based Sexual Assault crisis center. We examined whether implementing the OMDMP improved client assessment participation in mental health assessment questionnaires compared to manual data collection methods. Materials and Methods: Using a pre-post design, we analyzed data from two time periods: pre-pandemic (manual assessments) and mid-pandemic (OMDMP assessments). Data included clients' mental health assessments, using standardized tools such as the DASS-21 and IES-R.
RESULTS: Our analysis revealed a significant increase in the rate of clients completing at least one mental health assessment, rising from 45% (manual) to 71% after the introduction of the OMDMP. We also found that the OMDMP prompted clients to complete their assessments generally on time, contributing to effective use of assessments as a component of measurement-based care.
DISCUSSION: Although this improvement demonstrates clear benefits for data collection in a community setting, challenges remain in ensuring both pre- and posttest completion. While online tools can enhance organizational capacity for self-evaluation and improve client participation in measurement-based care, attention is still needed to address gaps in the data collection process.
CONCLUSION: We discuss the successes and barriers encountered during the implementation of the OMDMP and its potential implications for social work practice.


MeSH Term

Sex Offenses
Surveys and Questionnaires
Middle Aged
Young Adult
Data Collection

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0dataOMDMPcollectionassessmentsDatamentalhealthassessmentcommunitymeasurement-basedcaremanualorganizationscanonlinemanagementsexualassaultclientparticipationUsingtimetoolsclientsPURPOSE:challengingimportantevaluativeinitiativeswelltherapeuticpurposesengagedstudytestedimpactmeasurementplatformresponseratescommunity-basedcrisiscenterexaminedwhetherimplementingimprovedquestionnairescomparedmethodsMaterialsMethods:pre-postdesignanalyzedtwoperiods:pre-pandemicmid-pandemicincludedclients'usingstandardizedDASS-21IES-RRESULTS:analysisrevealedsignificantincreaseratecompletingleastonerising45%71%introductionalsofoundpromptedcompletegenerallycontributingeffectiveusecomponentDISCUSSION:Althoughimprovementdemonstratesclearbenefitssettingchallengesremainensuringpre-posttestcompletionenhanceorganizationalcapacityself-evaluationimproveattentionstillneededaddressgapsprocessCONCLUSION:discusssuccessesbarriersencounteredimplementationpotentialimplicationssocialworkpracticeOnlineMeasurementManagementPlatformImproveSurveyResponseRatesCommunitySexualAssaultCentreserviceprovision

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