The Development and Application of an Intelligent Assessment and Strategy Implementation System for Non-Intellectual Factors in Mathematics Learning Among Senior High School Students.

Yueyuan Kang, Guangming Wang, Luxuan Liu, Jing Liu, Qianqian Gao
Author Information
  1. Yueyuan Kang: Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China.
  2. Guangming Wang: Tianjin Academy of Educational Science, Tianjin 300191, China
  3. Luxuan Liu: Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China.
  4. Jing Liu: Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China.
  5. Qianqian Gao: Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China.


Non-intellectual factors in mathematics are key psychological factors that influence students' cognitive activities and, consequently, their learning efficiency. While the assessment of these factors has gained increasing academic attention, research on the effective use of intelligent tools to assess and improve students' non-intellectual factors remains insufficient. This study employed intelligent technology to develop the Intelligent Assessment and Strategy Implementation System for Non-intellectual Factors in Mathematics Learning for Primary and Secondary School Students, which integrates an assessment index system, scales, regional norms, and personalized improvement strategies, enabling it to automatically generate bulk reports on students' non-intellectual factor scores across various dimensions and provide targeted improvement strategies. In order to test its effectiveness, the intelligent system was applied across several provinces, cities, and schools in China. Eleventh-grade students from X Middle School in T City served as a representative case study. The interventions were based on the strategies provided by the system, and the research consistently demonstrated that the "Intelligent Assessment and Strategy Implementation System of Mathematics Non-intellectual Factors for Primary and Secondary School Students" effectively delivers high-precision diagnoses and personalized intervention strategies.



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  1. Project No. 22YJC880025/the 2022 Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China "Development and application research of intelligent physical examination system for learning efficiency of primary, middle, and high school students within the

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0factorsAssessmentStrategyImplementationSystemSchoolstrategiesNon-intellectualmathematicsstudents'researchintelligentnon-intellectualIntelligentFactorsMathematicssystemassessmentstudyLearningPrimarySecondaryStudentsnormspersonalizedimprovementacrossstudentskeypsychologicalinfluencecognitiveactivitiesconsequentlylearningefficiencygainedincreasingacademicattentioneffectiveusetoolsassessimproveremainsinsufficientemployedtechnologydevelopintegratesindexscalesregionalenablingautomaticallygeneratebulkreportsfactorscoresvariousdimensionsprovidetargetedordertesteffectivenessappliedseveralprovincescitiesschoolsChinaEleventh-gradeXMiddleTCityservedrepresentativecaseinterventionsbasedprovidedconsistentlydemonstrated"IntelligentStudents"effectivelydelivershigh-precisiondiagnosesinterventionDevelopmentApplicationNon-IntellectualAmongSeniorHighevidence-basededucationhighschoolmathematicalachievement

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