Risk factor for difficult cases at the comprehensive consultation services about medical, welfare and legal problems.

Michiki Narushima, Chiaki Ando, Makoto Mochizuki, Osamu Terada, Hiroki Suzuki, Nozomi Kani, Motoyoshi Matsunaga
Author Information
  1. Michiki Narushima: Department of Surgery, Shimizu Welfare Hospital, Japan.
  2. Chiaki Ando: Shizuoka City Shimizu Medical Association, Japan.
  3. Makoto Mochizuki: Mochizuki Odontology Department, Japan.
  4. Osamu Terada: Medical Corporation LYRE Mizoguchi Hospital, Japan.
  5. Hiroki Suzuki: City of Hamamatsu Board of Education, Japan.
  6. Nozomi Kani: The Japan Legal Support Center, Japan.
  7. Motoyoshi Matsunaga: Shizuoka City Shimizu Medical Association, Japan.


It is very important to cooperate with interprofessional personnel is in order to establish the community-based integrated care system, but this is very difficult. We have held comprehensive consultation services regarding medical, welfare, and legal problems to support the community.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the associations between background factors (such as medical conditions, intractable diseases, welfare problems, disabilities, economic difficulties, legal problems, elderly adults, children, and foreign persons) and difficult cases to provide more thorough consultation services.
patients and Methods: A survey was conducted on people who participated in comprehensive consultation services on medical, welfare, and legal issues related to medical care, welfare, and legal matters held from April 2021 to March 2024. We analyzed risk factors that may be difficult to resolve using multivariate logistic regression.
Results: Multivariate analysis showed that the factor of "economic difficulty" was significantly more difficult to solve.
Conclusion: When treating patients, doctors must consider the possibility of multiple underlying issues. It is advisable for doctors to be aware of the need to consult with social workers and legal professionals when necessary.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0legaldifficultconsultationmedicalwelfarecomprehensiveservicesproblemscareinterprofessionalcommunity-basedintegratedsystemheldsupportfactorscasesissuesfactordoctorssocialimportantcooperatepersonnelorderestablishregardingcommunityObjectives:studyaimedidentifyassociationsbackgroundconditionsintractablediseasesdisabilitieseconomicdifficultieselderlyadultschildrenforeignpersonsprovidethoroughPatientsMethods:surveyconductedpeopleparticipatedrelatedmattersApril2021March2024analyzedriskmayresolveusingmultivariatelogisticregressionResults:Multivariateanalysisshowed"economicdifficulty"significantlysolveConclusion:treatingpatientsmustconsiderpossibilitymultipleunderlyingadvisableawareneedconsultworkersprofessionalsnecessaryRiskservicecollaborationmulti-layereddeterminantshealth

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