Seasonal and sex differences in instrumental activities of daily living and objective physical activity among older adults residing in rural areas with snow and cold regions.

Tomohito Tadaishi, Junko Hasegawa, Hideki Suzuki
Author Information
  1. Tomohito Tadaishi: Department of Physical Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan.
  2. Junko Hasegawa: Graduate School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan.
  3. Hideki Suzuki: Graduate School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan.


Objective: To determine the seasonal differences in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and objective physical activity among older adults residing in non-urban areas in snowy and cold regions according to sex.
Patients and Methods: Fifty older adults aged ���65 years were included in the present study. IADL was assessed using the revised Frenchay Activities Index (FAI), and physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer. Comparisons were made between the snowy and non-snowy seasons based on sex.
Results: Compared to the non-snowy season, the female participants exhibited significantly lower scores for outdoor housework, outdoor activity, and overall scores on the FAI during the snowy season. In terms of physical activity, a decrease in the number of steps and light-intensity physical activity, accompanied by an increase in sedentary behavior, was observed in both sexes. High light-intensity physical activity decreased in the snowy season, especially in the female participants. In addition, the total moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and short-bout MVPA (intermittent and lasting <10 minutes) also decreased.
Conclusion: Considering the significant changes in lifestyle and physical activity during the cold snowy season, women should consider performing alternative physical activities other than indoor household chores. Furthermore, men should be encouraged to participate in indoor household chores they typically do not engage in, irrespective of the season.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0physicalactivitysnowyseasonactivitiescoldinstrumentaldailylivingIADLolderadultsregionssexlight-intensityMVPAdifferencesobjectiveamongresidingareasusingFAInon-snowyfemaleparticipantsscoresoutdoordecreasedmoderate-to-vigorousindoorhouseholdchoresObjective:determineseasonalnon-urbanaccordingPatientsMethods:Fiftyaged���65yearsincludedpresentstudyassessedrevisedFrenchayActivitiesIndexmeasuredtriaxialaccelerometerComparisonsmadeseasonsbasedResults:ComparedexhibitedsignificantlylowerhouseworkoveralltermsdecreasenumberstepsaccompaniedincreasesedentarybehaviorobservedsexesHighespeciallyadditiontotalshort-boutintermittentlasting<10minutesalsoConclusion:ConsideringsignificantchangeslifestylewomenconsiderperformingalternativeFurthermoremenencouragedparticipatetypicallyengageirrespectiveSeasonalruralsnowboutLPA

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