The implementation of safer drug consumption facilities in Scotland: a mixed methods needs assessment and feasibility study for the city of Edinburgh.

James Nicholls, Wendy Masterton, Danilo Falzon, Andrew McAuley, Hannah Carver, Kathryn Skivington, Josh Dumbrell, Andy Perkins, Samantha Steele, Kirsten Trayner, Tessa Parkes
Author Information
  1. James Nicholls: Institute for Social Marketing and Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.
  2. Wendy Masterton: Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.
  3. Danilo Falzon: Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.
  4. Andrew McAuley: School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland.
  5. Hannah Carver: Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.
  6. Kathryn Skivington: School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland.
  7. Josh Dumbrell: Figure 8 Consultancy, Dundee, Scotland.
  8. Andy Perkins: Figure 8 Consultancy, Dundee, Scotland.
  9. Samantha Steele: Figure 8 Consultancy, Dundee, Scotland.
  10. Kirsten Trayner: School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland.
  11. Tessa Parkes: Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.


BACKGROUND: Scotland currently has amongst the highest rates of drug-related deaths in Europe, leading to increased advocacy for safer drug consumption facilities (SDCFs) to be piloted in the country. In response to concerns about drug-related harms in Edinburgh, elected officials have considered introducing SDCFs in the city. This paper presents key findings from a feasibility study commissioned by City of Edinburgh Council to support these deliberations.
METHODS: Using a multi-method needs assessment approach, we carried out a spatial and temporal analysis of drug-related data in Edinburgh including health, mortality, consumption, crime and service provision indicators; and 48 interviews including 22 people with lived/living experience (PWLE) of drug use in the city, five family members affected by drug-related harms, and 21 professional stakeholders likely to be involved in commissioning or delivering SDCFs. Data were collected using a convergent parallel design. We carried out a descriptive analysis of quantitative date and a thematic analysis of qualitative data. Quantitative data provides an overview of the local context in terms of recorded harms, service provision and consumption patterns as reported in prior surveys. Qualitative PWLE and families data captures the lived experiences of people who use drugs, and affected loved ones, within that local context, including perceived consumption trends, views on the practicality of SDCF provision, and hopes and anxieties regarding potential service provision. Professional stakeholders data provides insights into how people responsible for strategic planning and service delivery view the potential role of SDCF provision within the context described in the quantitative data.
RESULTS: In Edinburgh, drug-related harms and consumption patterns are dispersed across multiple locations, with some areas of higher concentration. Reported levels of opioid use, illicit benzodiazepine use and cocaine injecting are high. Qualitative interviews revealed strong support for the provision of SDCFs, and a preference for services that include peer delivery. However, PWLE also expressed concerns regarding safety and security, and professional stakeholders remained uncertain as to the prioritisation of facilities and possible opportunity costs in the face of restricted budgets.
CONCLUSION: There is a strong case for the provision of SDCFs in Edinburgh. However, service design needs to reflect spatial distributions of consumption and harm, patterns of consumption by drug type, and expressed preferences for both informality and security among potential service users. Models of SDCF provision used elsewhere in Scotland would therefore need to be adapted to reflect such considerations. These findings may apply more broadly to potential SDCF provision in the UK and internationally, given changing patterns of use and harm.



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  1. CT2922/City of Edinburgh Council

MeSH Term

Feasibility Studies
Harm Reduction
Substance-Related Disorders
Needs Assessment

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0consumptionprovisionEdinburghdataservicedrug-relatedSDCFsusedrugharmspatternsSDCFpotentialScotlandfacilitiescityneedsassessmentanalysisincludingpeoplePWLEstakeholderscontextDrugsaferconcernsfindingsfeasibilitystudysupportcarriedspatialinterviewsaffectedprofessionaldesignquantitativeprovideslocalQualitativewithinregardingdeliverystrongHoweverexpressedsecurityreflectharmBACKGROUND:currentlyamongsthighestratesdeathsEuropeleadingincreasedadvocacypilotedcountryresponseelectedofficialsconsideredintroducingpaperpresentskeycommissionedCityCouncildeliberationsMETHODS:Usingmulti-methodapproachtemporalhealthmortalitycrimeindicators4822lived/livingexperiencefivefamilymembers21likelyinvolvedcommissioningdeliveringDatacollectedusingconvergentparalleldescriptivedatethematicqualitativeQuantitativeoverviewtermsrecordedreportedpriorsurveysfamiliescaptureslivedexperiencesdrugslovedonesperceivedtrendsviewspracticalityhopesanxietiesProfessionalinsightsresponsiblestrategicplanningviewroledescribedRESULTS:dispersedacrossmultiplelocationsareashigherconcentrationReportedlevelsopioidillicitbenzodiazepinecocaineinjectinghighrevealedpreferenceservicesincludepeeralsosafetyremaineduncertainprioritisationpossibleopportunitycostsfacerestrictedbudgetsCONCLUSION:casedistributionstypepreferencesinformalityamongusersModelsusedelsewherethereforeneedadaptedconsiderationsmayapplybroadlyUKinternationallygivenchangingimplementationScotland:mixedmethodsroomspolicyHarmreductionNeeds

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