Laccase Characterization from Grown in Pineapple and Coffee Waste Substrates under Solid Fermentation.

Tri Yuliana, Annisa Fauziah, Efri Mardawati, Herlina Marta, Ratu Safitri, Annisa Krama
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<b>Background and Objective:</b> Laccase as a ligninolytic enzyme has been known for its green-catalysis mechanism, which has the potential to be applied to food industries. Lignocellulose found in agro-industrial waste is promising for laccase production as a substrate, that could be encountered in pineapple (<i>Ananas comosus</i>) and Arabica coffee (<i>Coffea arabica</i>) industrial residue. To boost enzyme activity, laccase characterization was performed using <i>Ganoderma lucidum</i> under solid-state fermentation. This study aims to determine the lignocellulosic waste substrate that can produce the highest laccase activity and evaluate the effect of lignocellulosic substrate types under solid-state fermentation. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> There were 3 variants of lignocellulosic substrates used, consisting of pineapple peel, pineapple leaf and coffee husk. Characterization was carried out during pre-production by determining lignocellulose composition by Van Soest method and qualitative assay of <i>G. lucidum</i> laccase, continued with post-production including dry cell weight, pH measurement during fermentation and laccase activity. Laccase activity was statistically analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). <b>Results:</b> The characterization indicated that the type of substrate used had the potential to be used as a substrate in laccase production from <i>G. lucidum</i> under solid-state fermentation. The highest laccase activity was obtained on sample coffee husk S<sub>3</sub> on the 8th day of incubation with average values of laccase activity 2622.07��68.49 U/L. Based on ANOVA results, types of lignocellulosic waste substrates used have significant effects on laccase activity. <b>Conclusion:</b> <i>Ganoderma lucidum</i> has the potential to produce laccase enriched with pineapple waste and coffee husk substrates under solid fermentation.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0<laccaseactivityi>/i>fermentationsubstratelignocellulosicb>/b>Laccasewastepineapplecoffeelucidum<usedenzymepotentialGanodermasolid-statesubstrateshuskproductioncharacterizationusingproducehighesttypesCharacterizationGANOVAsolidBackgroundObjective:<ligninolyticknowngreen-catalysismechanismappliedfoodindustriesLignocellulosefoundagro-industrialpromisingencounteredAnanascomosus<ArabicaCoffeaarabica<industrialresidueboostperformedstudyaimsdeterminecanevaluateeffectMaterialsMethods:<3variantsconsistingpeelleafcarriedpre-productiondetermininglignocellulosecompositionVanSoestmethodqualitativeassaycontinuedpost-productionincludingdrycellweightpHmeasurementstatisticallyanalyzedAnalysisVarianceResults:<indicatedtypeobtainedsampleS<sub>3</sub>8thdayincubationaveragevalues262207��6849U/LBasedresultssignificanteffectsConclusion:<enrichedGrownPineappleCoffeeWasteSubstratesSolidFermentationlucidum

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