<b>Background and Objective:</b> In jojoba plants, the sex is usually difficult to identify, especially before flowering and during the very early stages of development. This stage is expected to facilitate breeding programs and adopt an invention and approach to isolate the GPAT gene identified between males and females: The study aimed at early diagnosis of sex in jojoba by sequence characterized by GPAT gene of sex-determining by simplex PCR. To prove the existence of the GPAT gene in male jojoba plants which may be the sex determination and identification in all plant systems. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> Initially, different primers were selected for the sex determination of jojoba samples using PCR-based amplification. The primers that can produce distinct DNA bands in males, not in females were selected for further experiments. The amplification of a male-specific GPAT marker situated in the sex determination region was amplified using specific primers. The newly designed GPAT primers flank region. <b>Results:</b> For the first time, separation and identified of the GPAT gene sequence of jojoba was done. The novel method represents a breakthrough in the sex determination of jojoba to identify sex at early developmental stages. This work provides a potentially useful diagnostic for determining sex in jojoba species. In this report, a breakthrough in the methodology for determining the sex of jojoba has been made. The amplified regions of the GPAT gene closely matched with sequences of GPAT in papaya and humans. <b>Conclusion:</b> The authors make an interesting finding by targeting the sequences in the GPAT gene and the final conclusion that PCR as a simple, rapid and reliable technique can complement and confirm sex by using specific primers pair according to our invention.