Moral Complexity in Traffic: Advancing the ADC Model for Automated Driving Systems.

Dario Cecchini, Veljko Dubljevi��
Author Information
  1. Dario Cecchini: Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. ORCID
  2. Veljko Dubljevi��: Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. ORCID


The incorporation of ethical settings in Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) has been extensively discussed in recent years with the goal of enhancing potential stakeholders' trust in the new technology. However, a comprehensive ethical framework for ADS decision-making, capable of merging multiple ethical considerations and investigating their consistency is currently missing. This paper addresses this gap by providing a taxonomy of ADS decision-making based on the Agent-Deed-Consequences (ADC) model of moral judgment. Specifically, we identify three main components of traffic moral judgment: driving style, traffic rules compliance, and risk distribution. Then, we suggest distinguishable ethical settings for each traffic component.



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  1. 2043612/Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

MeSH Term

Automobile Driving
Decision Making
Accidents, Traffic

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ethicalmoraldecision-makingADCjudgmenttrafficsettingsAutomatedDrivingSystemsADSModelAutonomousvehicleincorporationADSsextensivelydiscussedrecentyearsgoalenhancingpotentialstakeholders'trustnewtechnologyHowevercomprehensiveframeworkcapablemergingmultipleconsiderationsinvestigatingconsistencycurrentlymissingpaperaddressesgapprovidingtaxonomybasedAgent-Deed-ConsequencesmodelSpecificallyidentifythreemaincomponentsjudgment:drivingstylerulescomplianceriskdistributionsuggestdistinguishablecomponentMoralComplexityTraffic:AdvancingethicsTraffic

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