Discussions on Human Enhancement Meet Science: A Quantitative Analysis.

Tomasz ��uradzki, Piotr Bystranowski, Vilius Dranseika
Author Information
  1. Tomasz ��uradzki: Jagiellonian University, Institute of Philosophy & Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, ul. Grodzka 52, Krak��w, 31-044, Poland. t.zuradzki@uj.edu.pl. ORCID
  2. Piotr Bystranowski: Jagiellonian University, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, ul. Grodzka 52, Krak��w, 31-044, Poland. ORCID
  3. Vilius Dranseika: Jagiellonian University, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, ul. Grodzka 52, Krak��w, 31-044, Poland. ORCID


The analysis of citation flow from a collection of scholarly articles might provide valuable insights into their thematic focus and the genealogy of their main concepts. In this study, we employ a topic model to delineate a subcorpus of 1,360 papers representative of bioethical discussions on enhancing human life. We subsequently conduct an analysis of almost 11,000 references cited in that subcorpus to examine quantitatively, from a bird's-eye view, the degree of openness of this part of scholarship to the specialized knowledge produced in biosciences. Although almost half of the analyzed references point to journals classified as Natural Science and Engineering (NSE), we do not find strong evidence of the intellectual influence of recent discoveries in biosciences on discussions on human enhancement. We conclude that a large part of the discourse surrounding human enhancement is inflected with "science-fictional habits of mind." Our findings point to the need for a more science-informed approach in discussions on enhancing human life.



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  1. 805498/H2020 European Research Council
  2. Fondation Brocher/Fondation Brocher

MeSH Term

Biomedical Enhancement
Natural Science Disciplines
Periodicals as Topic
Research Design

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0humananalysisdiscussionssubcorpusenhancinglifealmostreferencespartbiosciencespointenhancementEnhancementcitationflowcollectionscholarlyarticlesmightprovidevaluableinsightsthematicfocusgenealogymainconceptsstudyemploytopicmodeldelineate1360papersrepresentativebioethicalsubsequentlyconduct11000citedexaminequantitativelybird's-eyeviewdegreeopennessscholarshipspecializedknowledgeproducedAlthoughhalfanalyzedjournalsclassifiedNaturalScienceEngineeringNSEfindstrongevidenceintellectualinfluencerecentdiscoveriesconcludelargediscoursesurroundinginflected"science-fictionalhabitsmind"findingsneedscience-informedapproachDiscussionsHumanMeetScience:QuantitativeAnalysisBiosciencesCitationTopicmodeling

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