Parent/Caregiver Perceptions of the Good Food for Learning Universal School Lunch Program in Canada.

Kaylee Michnik, Patricia Basilan, Chelsea Cooke, Dominique Lummerding, Riegann McAuley, Natalia Alaniz-Salinas, Rachel Engler-Stringer, Ester Kang, Roseann Nasser
Author Information
  1. Kaylee Michnik: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
  2. Patricia Basilan: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.
  3. Chelsea Cooke: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.
  4. Dominique Lummerding: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.
  5. Riegann McAuley: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.
  6. Natalia Alaniz-Salinas: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
  7. Rachel Engler-Stringer: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
  8. Ester Kang: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.
  9. Roseann Nasser: Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK.


The universal school lunch program is a two-year population health intervention research study in two elementary schools in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to implement and evaluate a promising model for school food programs (SFPs) in Canada. A survey was administered to understand parent/caregivers' perceptions of the free, universal school lunch program, participation, and willingness to pay for a future school lunch program (���=���113). A healthy and cost-free lunch were the top two benefits recognized by parents/caregivers. The survey estimated student participation in the program at 77%. For future program planning, universal and cost-free were favoured program aspects to continue. In addition, 68% of parents/caregivers demonstrated a willingness to pay $2.00 per child per lunch. Understanding parental/caregiver expectations and attitudes towards SFPs can inform the planning, decision-making, and sustainability for future models and a national school food policy in Canada.


MeSH Term

Food Services
Surveys and Questionnaires
Nutrition Policy
Diet, Healthy

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0programschoollunchCanadauniversalfoodwillingnesspayfuturetwoprogramsSFPssurveyperceptionsparticipationcost-freeparents/caregiversplanningperSchooltwo-yearpopulationhealthinterventionresearchstudyelementaryschoolsSaskatoonSaskatchewanimplementevaluatepromisingmodeladministeredunderstandparent/caregivers'free���=���113healthytopbenefitsrecognizedestimatedstudent77%favouredaspectscontinueaddition68%demonstrated$200childUnderstandingparental/caregiverexpectationsattitudestowardscaninformdecision-makingsustainabilitymodelsnationalpolicyParent/CaregiverPerceptionsGoodFoodLearningUniversalLunchProgramProgrammesalimentairesscolairesparentperceptiondesparentsvolont��depayer

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