Psychological treatments for comorbid chronic pain and opioid use disorder: Current research and future directions.

Frank J Schwebel, Matison W McCool, Katie Witkiewitz
Author Information
  1. Frank J Schwebel: University of New Mexico, USA. Electronic address:
  2. Matison W McCool: University of New Mexico, USA.
  3. Katie Witkiewitz: University of New Mexico, USA.


chronic pain and opioid use disorder cause significant social, physical, and economic burdens on individuals and society. Historically, chronic pain and opioid use disorder have been treated individually, yet they often are comorbid conditions and treatment targeting both concurrently might improve outcomes. This article reviewed psychological treatment approaches for comorbid chronic pain and opioid use disorder. Treatments were classified as cognitive behavioral therapy-based, mindfulness-based, or integrated treatments. Treatments were primarily delivered in-person other than a cognitive behavioral digital health approach. Mindfulness-based and integrated interventions demonstrated the best outcomes. Given the significant public health burden from comorbid chronic pain and opioid use disorder, there is an urgent need for increased research and implementation of psychological treatments for these conditions.



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  1. T32 AA018108/NIAAA NIH HHS
  2. K23 DA058015/NIDA NIH HHS
  3. K23 AA031729/NIAAA NIH HHS
  4. RM1 DA055301/NIDA NIH HHS
  5. UH3 DA051241/NIDA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Opioid-Related Disorders
Chronic Pain
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0painuseopioiddisorderchroniccomorbidbehavioraltreatmentsChronicsignificantconditionstreatmentoutcomespsychologicalTreatmentscognitiveintegratedhealthresearchPsychologicalcausesocialphysicaleconomicburdensindividualssocietyHistoricallytreatedindividuallyyetoftentargetingconcurrentlymightimprovearticlereviewedapproachesclassifiedtherapy-basedmindfulness-basedprimarilydeliveredin-persondigitalapproachMindfulness-basedinterventionsdemonstratedbestGivenpublicburdenurgentneedincreasedimplementationdisorder:CurrentfuturedirectionsCognitivetherapyMindfulnessOpioidintervention

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