The relationship between allergic diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders in children enrolled in primary healthcare.

Yusuf Adnan Guclu, Erdem Erkoyun, Selcuk Sinan Celik, Demet Can
Author Information
  1. Yusuf Adnan Guclu: Yusuf Adnan Guclu, MD. Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Izmir Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences University, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkiye.
  2. Erdem Erkoyun: Erdem Erkoyun, MD. Specialist, Public Health Services Presidency, Provincial Health Directorate, Izmir, Turkiye.
  3. Selcuk Sinan Celik: Selcuk Sinan Celik, MD. Specialist Pediatric Clinic, Health Sciences University, Dr. Beh��et Uz Children's Diseases, Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkiye.
  4. Demet Can: Demet Can, MD. Professor, Department of Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Diseases, Izmir Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences University, Dr. Beh��et Uz Children's Diseases, Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkiye.


Background and Objective: The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs) and allergic diseases(ADs) has increased in recent years. This study aimed to analyse the association between them among children registered at primary healthcare units in Izmir.
Methods: For this retrospective cross-sectional study, primary healthcare units in Izmir were selected by randomisation conducted between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. The dependent variables are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The risk factors are respiratory allergies and skin allergies. Logistic regression models were adjusted for age, sex, socioeconomic level.
Results: There were 20,557 children registered in 26 primary healthcare units. Skin allergy was detected in 7.8%, respiratory allergy in 6.8%, ADHD in 1.2% and ASD in 0.0%. ADHD comorbidity was found to be high in both children with respiratory allergies and children with skin allergies (p<0.001). The rate of ASD comorbidity was 1.8% in boys with respiratory allergies and 1.6% in boys with skin allergies (p>0.01). The analysis could not be performed due to the low number of girls with ASD. The logistic regression models showed a higher odds ratio for respiratory allergies (OR:6.2, 95% CI: 4.6-8.3) than for skin allergies (OR:2.2, 95% CI: 1.5-3.2) for ADHD.
Conclusion: It would be beneficial to increase awareness among healthcare providers and parents about the co-occurrence of NDs and ADs.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0allergieshealthcarechildren1respiratoryprimarydisorderADHDASDskinallergicunits8%2neurodevelopmentaldisordersNDsdiseasesADsstudyamongregisteredIzmir2023deficithyperactivityspectrumregressionmodelsallergycomorbidityboys95%CI:BackgroundObjective:prevalenceincreasedrecentyearsaimedanalyseassociationMethods:retrospectivecross-sectionalselectedrandomisationconductedJanuaryDecember31dependentvariablesattentionautismriskfactorsLogisticadjustedagesexsocioeconomiclevelResults:2055726Skindetected762%00%foundhighp<0001rate6%p>001analysisperformedduelownumbergirlslogisticshowedhigheroddsratioOR:646-83OR:25-3Conclusion:beneficialincreaseawarenessprovidersparentsco-occurrencerelationshipenrolledAsthmaAtopicdermatitisAttentionAutismPrimaryrhinitis

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