A cross-stack methodology for developing an intelligent vaccination reminder system for children.

Iyyanar Perumal, Nandhini Ponnusamy, Annie Micheal A, Nancy Lima Christy S, Sreekrishna Muthukumaravel, Naveenkumar Anbalagan
Author Information
  1. Iyyanar Perumal: Department of IT, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID
  2. Nandhini Ponnusamy: Department of CSE, Sri Shanmugha College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID
  3. Annie Micheal A: Department of CSE, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID
  4. Nancy Lima Christy S: Department of CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID
  5. Sreekrishna Muthukumaravel: Department of CSE, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID
  6. Naveenkumar Anbalagan: Department of IT, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. ORCID


The Smart Vaccination System introduces a vaccine reminder framework that is SMS-based and is intended to help parents ensure that their children's vaccinations are current. Although traditional methods rely on written schedules to organize vaccination appointments, these are frequently insufficient, as busy parents may neglect critical dates. A web-based vaccine reminder application has been created to address this challenge, providing timely notifications when a child's next vaccination is due. This system streamlines the process for parents, enabling them to remain proactive, informed, and organized regarding their child's health. The application ultimately contributes to enhanced public health outcomes by increasing the probability that children will be protected against preventable diseases by reducing missed vaccinations.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0reminderparentsvaccinationsystemVaccinationvaccinevaccinationsapplicationchild'shealthchildrenSmartSystemintroducesframeworkSMS-basedintendedhelpensurechildren'scurrentAlthoughtraditionalmethodsrelywrittenschedulesorganizeappointmentsfrequentlyinsufficientbusymayneglectcriticaldatesweb-basedcreatedaddresschallengeprovidingtimelynotificationsnextduestreamlinesprocessenablingremainproactiveinformedorganizedregardingultimatelycontributesenhancedpublicoutcomesincreasingprobabilitywillprotectedpreventablediseasesreducingmissedcross-stackmethodologydevelopingintelligentMySQLNodejsexpressRemainderSMS

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