Advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology: shaping the future of photosynthetic microorganisms for biofuel production.

Samreen Arshad, Muhammad Luqman Qadir, Nazim Hussain, Qurban Ali, Shiming Han, Daoud Ali
Author Information
  1. Samreen Arshad: Center for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  2. Muhammad Luqman Qadir: Center for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  3. Nazim Hussain: Center for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  4. Qurban Ali: Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  5. Shiming Han: School of Biological Sciences and Technology, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004, China.
  6. Daoud Ali: Department of Zoology, College of Science, King Saud University, PO Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.


Use of fossil fuels causes environmental issues due to its inefficiency and and imminent depletion. This has led to interest in identifying alternative and renewable energy sources such as biofuel generation from photosynthetic organisms. A wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, known as microalgae, have the potential to be economical and ecologically sustainable in the manufacture of biofuels such as bio-hydrogen, biodiesel, bio-oils, and bio-syngas. By using contemporary bioengineering techniques, the innate potential of algae to produce biomass of superior quality may be enhanced. In algal biotechnology, directed genome modification via RNA-guided endonucleases is a new approach. CRISPR/Cas systems have recently been frequently used to modify the genetic makeup of several aquatic and freshwater microalgae. The majority of research has used the Cas9-driven Type II system, one of two classes and six unique kinds of CRISPR systems, to specifically target desired genes in algae, and knock them out and down, or both. Using CRISPR technology to modify its genetic makeup, microalgae has produced more biomass and increased in lipid content. This review highlights the attempts made so far to target microalgae genome modification, discusses the prospects for developing the CRISPR platform for large-scale genome modification of microalgae, and identifies the opportunities and challenges in the development and distribution of CRISPR/Cas9 components.

MeSH Term

CRISPR-Cas Systems
Gene Editing



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0microalgaegenomemodificationCRISPRbiofuelphotosyntheticmicroorganismspotentialalgaebiomasssystemsusedmodifygeneticmakeuptargetCRISPR/Cas9Usefossilfuelscausesenvironmentalissuesdueinefficiencyimminentdepletionledinterestidentifyingalternativerenewableenergysourcesgenerationorganismswidevarietyprokaryoticeukaryoticknowneconomicalecologicallysustainablemanufacturebiofuelsbio-hydrogenbiodieselbio-oilsbio-syngasusingcontemporarybioengineeringtechniquesinnateproducesuperiorqualitymayenhancedalgalbiotechnologydirectedviaRNA-guidedendonucleasesnewapproachCRISPR/CasrecentlyfrequentlyseveralaquaticfreshwatermajorityresearchCas9-drivenTypeIIsystemonetwoclassessixuniquekindsspecificallydesiredgenesknockUsingtechnologyproducedincreasedlipidcontentreviewhighlightsattemptsmadefardiscussesprospectsdevelopingplatformlarge-scaleidentifiesopportunitieschallengesdevelopmentdistributioncomponentsAdvancestechnology:shapingfutureproduction

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