Core Muscle Injuries: Preoperative Imaging and Postoperative Considerations.

Sherri Couillard, Blaire Adler, William C Meyers, Adam C Zoga, Alexander E Poor, Sarah I Kamel
Author Information
  1. Sherri Couillard: Department of Radiology, Jefferson Einstein, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  2. Blaire Adler: Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  3. William C Meyers: Vincera Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  4. Adam C Zoga: Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  5. Alexander E Poor: Vincera Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  6. Sarah I Kamel: Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ORCID


Core muscle injuries constitute a significant source of pain and functional impairment among elite athletes. Understanding the anatomy and biomechanics centered at the pubic bone joint is necessary to interpret imaging findings. Dedicated athletic pubalgia magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a crucial role in accurately diagnosing and assessing injuries affecting the pubic plate and associated muscular attachments. Preoperative findings can include harness muscle injury, pubic plate detachment, and/or osteitis pubis. Various surgical approaches are used for core muscle repair, requiring close collaboration with the referring surgeon during the interpretation of postoperative MRI. Although postoperative MRI can indicate healing progress, its primary usefulness lies in detecting new or exacerbated tears that may signify potential reinjury or surgical complications.

MeSH Term

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Athletic Injuries
Muscle, Skeletal
Preoperative Care
Pubic Bone

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0musclepubicMRICoreinjuriesimagingfindingsplatePreoperativecansurgicalpostoperativeconstitutesignificantsourcepainfunctionalimpairmentamongeliteathletesUnderstandinganatomybiomechanicscenteredbonejointnecessaryinterpretDedicatedathleticpubalgiamagneticresonanceplayscrucialroleaccuratelydiagnosingassessingaffectingassociatedmuscularattachmentsincludeharnessinjurydetachmentand/orosteitispubisVariousapproachesusedcorerepairrequiringclosecollaborationreferringsurgeoninterpretationAlthoughindicatehealingprogressprimaryusefulnessliesdetectingnewexacerbatedtearsmaysignifypotentialreinjurycomplicationsMuscleInjuries:ImagingPostoperativeConsiderations

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