Psychological Resilience and Trait Anxiety as Mediators in the Relationship Between Perceived Family Social Support and Life Satisfaction Among Youth.

Orhan Ko��ak, Yavuz Aslan, Havva Sena Bezirkan
Author Information
  1. Orhan Ko��ak: Department of Social Work, ��stanbul University-Cerrahpa��a, ��stanbul, T��rkiye.
  2. Yavuz Aslan: Department of Social Work, Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, T��rkiye. ORCID
  3. Havva Sena Bezirkan: Department of Social Work, ��stanbul University-Cerrahpa��a, ��stanbul, T��rkiye.


PURPOSE: This study examines the impact of perceived family social support on youth life satisfaction, focusing on the mediating roles of psychological resilience and trait Anxiety.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional quantitative research design was employed, collecting data from 626 participants via an online survey. A convenience sampling method was used. Analyses, including confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) path analysis, were conducted using SPSS 24 and AMOS 24 software.
RESULTS: The findings indicate that perceived family social support positively influences psychological resilience and life satisfaction while reducing trait Anxiety. Psychological resilience lowers trait Anxiety; however, its direct effect on life satisfaction is insignificant. Trait Anxiety, on the other hand, negatively affects life satisfaction and acts as a mediator between perceived family social support and life satisfaction. Additionally, psychological resilience plays an indirect role in the effect of perceived family social support on life satisfaction through trait Anxiety.
DISCUSSION: The results suggest that perceived family support enhances resilience and reduces Anxiety among youth, contributing to greater life satisfaction. These findings underscore the complex interplay between these variables and highlight the mediating roles of psychological resilience and trait Anxiety.
CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the literature by demonstrating that perceived family support enhances life satisfaction by strengthening psychological resilience and reducing trait Anxiety. In addition, the study emphasizes the importance of fostering family-based support systems to promote youth well-being.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0satisfactionanxietysupportliferesilienceperceivedfamilytraitpsychologicalsocialstudyyouthanalysismediatingroles24findingsreducingPsychologicaleffectTraitenhancesLifePURPOSE:examinesimpactfocusingMATERIALSANDMETHODS:cross-sectionalquantitativeresearchdesignemployedcollectingdata626participantsviaonlinesurveyconveniencesamplingmethodusedAnalysesincludingconfirmatoryfactorcorrelationstructuralequationmodelingSEMpathconductedusingSPSSAMOSsoftwareRESULTS:indicatepositivelyinfluenceslowershoweverdirectinsignificanthandnegativelyaffectsactsmediatorAdditionallyplaysindirectroleDISCUSSION:resultssuggestreducesamongcontributinggreaterunderscorecomplexinterplayvariableshighlightCONCLUSION:contributesliteraturedemonstratingstrengtheningadditionemphasizesimportancefosteringfamily-basedsystemspromotewell-beingResilienceAnxietyMediatorsRelationshipPerceivedFamilySocialSupportSatisfactionAmongYouth

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