The Role of Parental Education, Intelligence, and Personality on the Cognitive Abilities of Gifted Children.

Lina Pezzuti, Morena Farese, James Dawe, Marco Lauriola
Author Information
  1. Lina Pezzuti: Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology and Health Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy. ORCID
  2. Morena Farese: Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology and Health Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy.
  3. James Dawe: Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy. ORCID
  4. Marco Lauriola: Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy. ORCID


Several studies have indicated that parental education predicts children's intelligence. In contrast, fewer studies have simultaneously analyzed the role of parental intelligence, education, and personality in shaping their children's giftedness. This study investigated the effects of parental education, cognitive abilities (based on CHC theory), and personality traits (based on the Five-Factor Model) on the expression of gifted children's cognitive abilities. Sixty-five gifted children (IQ ��� 120) aged 6 to 14 years (M = 9.91 years; SD = 2.24 years) were assessed using the WISC-IV, while parents (65 mothers, M = 44.00 years; SD = 4.20 years, and 61 fathers, M = 45.70 years; SD = 5.40 years) completed the WAIS-IV and the Big-Five Inventory. The results indicated that maternal education was a key predictor of children's Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) in bivariate analyses, though its effect was not robust in multivariate models. Children's Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) was associated with maternal conscientiousness, and fathers' short-term memory (Gsm) emerged as the primary predictor of children's Working Memory Index (WMI). Maternal processing speed (Gs) was the strongest predictor of children's Processing Speed Index (PSI) across both bivariate and multivariate analyses. While personality traits, such as maternal conscientiousness, played a role in facilitating visual-spatial reasoning, their effects were weaker compared to cognitive and educational factors. The findings obtained, which are only partly consistent with data in the literature, highlight the domain-specific influence of parental characteristics on children's giftedness and underscore the need for further research into the interplay of genetic, cognitive, and environmental factors.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0parentalchildren'syears=educationcognitivepersonalityIndexintelligenceabilitiestraitsgiftedMSDmaternalpredictorstudiesindicatedrolegiftednesseffectsbasedCHCtheoryFive-FactorModelchildrenbivariateanalysesmultivariateconscientiousnessmemoryfactorsSeveralpredictscontrastfewersimultaneouslyanalyzedshapingstudyinvestigatedexpressionSixty-fiveIQ���120aged614991224assessedusingWISC-IVparents65mothers440042061fathers4570540completedWAIS-IVBig-FiveInventoryresultskeyVerbalComprehensionVCIthougheffectrobustmodelsChildren'sPerceptualReasoningPRIassociatedfathers'short-termGsmemergedprimaryWorkingMemoryWMIMaternalprocessingspeedGsstrongestProcessingSpeedPSIacrossplayedfacilitatingvisual-spatialreasoningweakercomparededucationalfindingsobtainedpartlyconsistentdataliteraturehighlightdomain-specificinfluencecharacteristicsunderscoreneedresearchinterplaygeneticenvironmentalRoleParentalEducationIntelligencePersonalityCognitiveAbilitiesGiftedChildrenworking

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