The Relationship Between Learning Environment Perception, Achievement Goals, and the Undergraduate Deep Learning Approach: A Longitudinal Mediation Model.

Tingzhi Han, Guoxing Xu
Author Information
  1. Tingzhi Han: School of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China. ORCID
  2. Guoxing Xu: Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China.


This study examines the relationship between undergraduates' learning environment perception, achievement goals, and the deep learning approach in a research-oriented Chinese university with a longitudinal mediation model. A total of 260 undergraduates, including 135 top-notch undergraduates and 125 ordinary undergraduates, participated in all three rounds of investigation across 18 months. The results revealed that (a) mastery-approach goals and mastery-avoidance goals can partially mediate the longitudinal impact of undergraduate students' perception of the learning environment on their deep learning approaches, while performance-approach goals and performance-avoidance goals do not serve as longitudinal mediators in the influence of undergraduate students' perception of the learning environment on their deep learning approaches. (b) There are two longitudinal mediating pathways, namely the mastery-approach goals and mastery-avoidance goals, in the influence process of perceived learning environment on deep learning approaches among undergraduates. (c) The mediating effect of mastery-approach goals on the influence of learning environment perception on undergraduates' deep learning approaches is more significant than mastery-avoidance goals. The findings of this study will contribute new empirical evidence that can inform teaching reform initiatives aimed at enhancing the learning quality of undergraduates.



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  1. 72374072/National Natural Science Foundation of China
  2. ZTHJS2024057/Teacher Research and Development Professional Committee of the China Xingzhi Tao Research Society

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0learninggoalsenvironmentdeepundergraduatesperceptionlongitudinalapproachesmastery-approachmastery-avoidanceinfluencestudyundergraduates'achievementapproachmediationmodelcanundergraduatestudents'mediatingLearningexaminesrelationshipresearch-orientedChineseuniversitytotal260including135top-notch125ordinaryparticipatedthreeroundsinvestigationacross18monthsresultsrevealedpartiallymediateimpactperformance-approachperformance-avoidanceservemediatorsbtwopathwaysnamelyprocessperceivedamongceffectsignificantfindingswillcontributenewempiricalevidenceinformteachingreforminitiativesaimedenhancingqualityRelationshipEnvironmentPerceptionAchievementGoalsUndergraduateDeepApproach:LongitudinalMediationModelgoal

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