Oocyte retrieval of few follicles does not require analgesia: a large-scale multicentre pain analysis.

Isotta M Magaton, Martina Nordin, Ikbale Siercks, Roxana M Popovici, Eva Boogen, Stefan Eisenhardt, Cosima Huober-Zeeb, Jan-Simon Lanowski, Marie Roumet, Michael von Wolff
Author Information
  1. Isotta M Magaton: Division of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University Women`s Hospital, Inselspital, Friedb��hlstrasse 19, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.. Electronic address: isottamartha.magaton@insel.ch.
  2. Martina Nordin: Fertility Centre Baden AG, Mellingerstrasse 207, 5405 Baden, Switzerland.
  3. Ikbale Siercks: Institute for Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, c/o fiore Praxis AG, Rorschacherstrasse 267, 9016 St Gallen, Switzerland.
  4. Roxana M Popovici: Fertility Centre k��z, Bayerstrasse 3, 80335 Munich, Germany.
  5. Eva Boogen: Fertility Centre Bonner Bogen, Joseph-Schumpeter-Allee 1, 53227 Bonn, Germany.
  6. Stefan Eisenhardt: Fertility Centre Frauen��rzte, Heilbronnerstrasse 1, 74172 Neckarsulm/Heilbronn, Germany.
  7. Cosima Huober-Zeeb: Fertility Centre Villa Kinderwunsch, W��rthstrasse 13, 89077 Ulm, Germany.
  8. Jan-Simon Lanowski: Fertility Centre and Human Genetics, Gartenstrasse 18-20, 31141 Hildesheim, Germany.
  9. Marie Roumet: Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.
  10. Michael von Wolff: Division of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University Women`s Hospital, Inselspital, Friedb��hlstrasse 19, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.


RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the pain intensity of oocyte retrieval (OCR) without anaesthesia and analgesia in women with a low or medium number of follicles?
DESIGN: Multicentre observational study analysing IVF cycles without anaesthesia and analgesia in seven IVF centres in Germany and Switzerland between January 2022 and March 2023. In total, 2290 cycles of natural cycle IVF or minimal stimulation IVF from 1039 patients were recorded. Pain score was assessed using a VAS graded 0 to 10. A descriptive analysis was conducted, followed by a statistical evaluation using a linear mixed model to analyse the effect on the pain score of the number of oocytes retrieved and the number of repeated IVF cycles.
RESULTS: The number of oocytes retrieved varied from 0 to 16 (IQR 1-2). Pain score varied from 0 to 10, with a median pain score of 3.0 (IQR 2-4), defined as 'mild' pain. Compared with a reference value of aspirations with one oocyte, the pain score increased slightly by 0.5 points if no oocyte was retrieved, by 0.42 points if two to five oocytes were retrieved and by 1.14 points if six or more oocytes were retrieved, all with little clinical relevance. Pain decreased slightly with repeated aspirations (-0.05 points per cycle) (P���=���0.028). The complication rate requiring hospitalization per aspiration was less than 0.1%.
CONCLUSION: Pain intensity during OCR of one or few follicles is mild. Therefore, OCR can be offered without anaesthesia and analgesia to reduce aspiration time and cost.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.00painIVFPainscoreretrievednumberoocytespointsoocyteretrievalOCRwithoutanaesthesiaanalgesiacyclesintensitycycleusing10analysisrepeatedvariedIQRaspirationsoneslightlyperaspirationfolliclesOocyteRESEARCHQUESTION:womenlowmediumfollicles?DESIGN:MulticentreobservationalstudyanalysingsevencentresGermanySwitzerlandJanuary2022March2023total2290naturalminimalstimulation1039patientsrecordedassessedVASgradeddescriptiveconductedfollowedstatisticalevaluationlinearmixedmodelanalyseeffectRESULTS:161-2median32-4defined'mild'Comparedreferencevalueincreased542twofive114sixlittleclinicalrelevancedecreased-005P���=���0028complicationraterequiringhospitalizationless1%CONCLUSION:mildThereforecanofferedreducetimecostrequireanalgesia:large-scalemulticentreAnaesthesiaAspirationneedleComplicationsNatural

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