Coming to Terms with Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Scoping Review.

Lisa Nor��n, Martin Bergstr��m, Lisa Wallander
Author Information
  1. Lisa Nor��n: School of Social Work, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. ORCID
  2. Martin Bergstr��m: School of Social Work, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. ORCID
  3. Lisa Wallander: School of Social Work, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. ORCID


PURPOSE: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global issue requiring a thorough understanding of risk factors to inform prevention strategies. This study applies Kraemer et al.'s (2005) categorization system to classify risk factors for IPV perpetration, addressing two research questions: 1) What variables or attributes are commonly employed to assess the risks associated with IPV perpetration, and how can these be thematized? 2) Which non-correlates, correlates, fixed markers, variable markers, and causal risk factors related to IPV perpetration are identified and examined in the existing literature?
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A scoping review of 62 publications on risk factors for IPV perpetration in married- and cohabiting couples was conducted. Risk factors were categorized using Kraemer et al.'s (2005) system.
RESULTS: The risk factors were classified into eight themes based on their shared characteristics. All variables fit Kraemer et al.'s categorization system. The majority showed correlational relationships. Fixed markers appeared in two themes, while variable markers appeared in six themes, however publications on these were limited. No causal risk factors were found.
DISCUSSION: The risk categorization system by Kraemer et al. enhances understanding of IPV perpetration risk factors. Priority areas for preventing IPV include reducing the risk of experiencing violence in childhood and ensuring access to higher education. More longitudinal research is needed for the remaining categories to establish temporal relationships.
CONCLUSION: The study highlights the value of Kraemer et al.'s categorization system for distinguishing correlation from causality in IPV risk factors, advancing prevention efforts. Important areas for preventive measures were targeted.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0riskfactorsIPVperpetrationKraemeretalsystem'scategorizationmarkersIntimateviolencethemespartnerunderstandingpreventionstudy2005tworesearchvariablesvariablecausalscopingreviewpublicationsRiskrelationshipsappearedareasPURPOSE:globalissuerequiringthoroughinformstrategiesappliesclassifyaddressingquestions:1attributescommonlyemployedassessrisksassociatedcanthematized?2non-correlatescorrelatesfixedrelatedidentifiedexaminedexistingliterature?MATERIALANDMETHODS:62married-cohabitingcouplesconductedcategorizedusingRESULTS:classifiedeightbasedsharedcharacteristicsfitmajorityshowedcorrelationalFixedsixhoweverlimitedfoundDISCUSSION:enhancesPrioritypreventingincludereducingexperiencingchildhoodensuringaccesshighereducationlongitudinalneededremainingcategoriesestablishtemporalCONCLUSION:highlightsvaluedistinguishingcorrelationcausalityadvancingeffortsImportantpreventivemeasurestargetedComingTermsFactorsPartnerViolencePerpetration:ScopingReviewterminology

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