Vcfexpress: flexible, rapid user-expressions to filter and format VCFs.

Brent S Pedersen, Aaron R Quinlan
Author Information
  1. Brent S Pedersen: Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, United States. ORCID
  2. Aaron R Quinlan: Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, United States. ORCID


MOTIVATION: Variant call format (VCF) files are the standard output format for various software tools that identify genetic variation from DNA sequencing experiments. Downstream analyses require the ability to query, filter, and modify them simply and efficiently. Several tools are available to perform these operations from the command line, including BCFTools, vembrane, slivar, and others.
RESULTS: Here, we introduce vcfexpress, a new, high-performance toolset for the analysis of VCF files, written in the Rust programming language. It is nearly as fast as BCFTools, but adds functionality to execute user expressions in the lua programming language for precise filtering and reporting of variants from a VCF or BCF file. We demonstrate performance and flexibility by comparing vcfexpress to other tools using the vembrane benchmark.
AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: vcfexpress is available under the MIT license at with code used for the manuscript deposited in


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  1. R01 HG012252/NHGRI NIH HHS
  2. /National Human Genome Research Insititute
  3. EOSS4-0000000180/Chan Zuckerberg Insititute's Essential Open Source Software Initiative

MeSH Term

Sequence Analysis, DNA
Genetic Variation
Programming Languages
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0formatVCFtoolsvcfexpressfilesfilteravailableBCFToolsvembraneprogramminglanguageMOTIVATION:VariantcallstandardoutputvarioussoftwareidentifygeneticvariationDNAsequencingexperimentsDownstreamanalysesrequireabilityquerymodifysimplyefficientlySeveralperformoperationscommandlineincludingslivarothersRESULTS:introducenewhigh-performancetoolsetanalysiswrittenRustnearlyfastaddsfunctionalityexecuteuserexpressionsluaprecisefilteringreportingvariantsBCFfiledemonstrateperformanceflexibilitycomparingusingbenchmarkAVAILABILITYANDIMPLEMENTATION:MITlicensehttps://githubcom/brentp/vcfexpresscodeusedmanuscriptdepositedhttps://doiorg/105281/zenodo14756838Vcfexpress:flexiblerapiduser-expressionsVCFs

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