The repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status (RBANS) and substance use disorders: a systematic review.

Kristoffer H��iland, Rune Raudeberg, Jens Egeland
Author Information
  1. Kristoffer H��iland: Sykehuset i Vestfold HF, Hospital Trust, Vestfold T��nsberg, 2168, 3103, Norway. ORCID
  2. Rune Raudeberg: Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. ORCID
  3. Jens Egeland: Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Vestfold Hospital Trust, 2168, T��nsberg, Vestfold, 3103, Norway. ORCID


BACKGROUND: Cognitive deficits are prevalent among substance use disorder (SUD) patients and affect treatment retention and outcome. The Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) is a well-researched instrument in diverse patient groups and has the potential to serve as an effective and accurate method for identifying cognitive impairment in SUD patients. This systematic review examines the RBANS' ability to detect cognitive impairment in SUD patients. Limitations of knowledge and the need for further research are discussed.
METHODS: We conducted a systematic search using PsycINFO, Medline, and Cochrane databases to identify relevant studies and articles on applying RBANS in SUD. No time limits were imposed on the search. Search words were RBANS, substance use disorder, drug use disorder, and alcohol use disorder, and the most common specific types of drugs (e.g., opiates, cannabis, and methamphetamine).
RESULTS: A systematic search identified 232 articles, of which 17 were found eligible and included in the review. Most studies examined patient groups using either alcohol, methamphetamine, or opioids. The results are presented in the form of a narrative review. We identified some evidence that the RBANS can detect group differences between SUD patients and healthy controls, but the findings were somewhat inconsistent. The literature search revealed little information about cognitive profiles, reliability, factor structure, and construct and criterion validity.
CONCLUSIONS: The evidence concerning the validity and usefulness of the RBANS in SUD populations is scarce. Future research should investigate cognitive profiles, reliability, factor structure, and construct and criterion validity.



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MeSH Term

Substance-Related Disorders
Neuropsychological Tests
Cognitive Dysfunction
Reproducibility of Results

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0RBANSuseSUDdisorderpatientscognitivesystematicreviewsearchCognitivesubstanceimpairmentvaliditypatientgroupsdetectresearchusingstudiesarticlesalcoholmethamphetamineidentifiedevidenceprofilesreliabilityfactorstructureconstructcriterionBACKGROUND:deficitsprevalentamongaffecttreatmentretentionoutcomeRepeatableBatteryAssessmentNeuropsychologicalStatuswell-researchedinstrumentdiversepotentialserveeffectiveaccuratemethodidentifyingexaminesRBANS'abilityLimitationsknowledgeneeddiscussedMETHODS:conductedPsycINFOMedlineCochranedatabasesidentifyrelevantapplyingtimelimitsimposedSearchwordsdrugcommonspecifictypesdrugsegopiatescannabisRESULTS:23217foundeligibleincludedexaminedeitheropioidsresultspresentedformnarrativecangroupdifferenceshealthycontrolsfindingssomewhatinconsistentliteraturerevealedlittleinformationCONCLUSIONS:concerningusefulnesspopulationsscarceFutureinvestigaterepeatablebatteryassessmentneuropsychologicalstatusdisorders:AlcoholscreeningSubstance

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