Freeze-all indications in women with subfertility undergoing IVF: a cohort study.

V��ronique Moens, Juan Fontes Jim��nez, Marcos Ferrando Serrano, Daniel Ord����ez P��rez, Elkin Mu��oz, Claudio ��lvarez Pinochet, Manuel Fern��ndez-S��nchez, Alberto Reche Rosado, Margarita Torres Vives, Elisabet Aug��, Alejandro Dom��nech, Juan Antonio Garc��a-Velasco, Freeze-all Group
Author Information
  1. V��ronique Moens: Cl��nica Fertilab, Barcelona, Spain.
  2. Juan Fontes Jim��nez: Instituto Avantia de Fertilidad, Granada, Spain.
  3. Marcos Ferrando Serrano: IVIRMA Bilbao, Lejona, Spain.
  4. Daniel Ord����ez P��rez: Hospital Ruber Juan Bravo. Grupo EUGIN, Madrid, Spain.
  5. Elkin Mu��oz: IVIRMA Vigo, Vigo, Spain.; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cauca, Popayan, Colombia.
  6. Claudio ��lvarez Pinochet: Centro Gutenberg, M��laga, Spain.
  7. Manuel Fern��ndez-S��nchez: Vida Sevilla Recoletas Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.; Department of Surgery, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.
  8. Alberto Reche Rosado: Hospital Regional Universitario de M��laga, M��laga, Spain.
  9. Margarita Torres Vives: IVIRMA Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain.
  10. Elisabet Aug��: Scientific Office, Gedeon Richter Ib��rica, Barcelona, Spain.. Electronic address:
  11. Alejandro Dom��nech: Scientific Office, Gedeon Richter Ib��rica, Barcelona, Spain.
  12. Juan Antonio Garc��a-Velasco: IVIRMA Madrid, Madrid, Spain.. Electronic address:


RESEARCH QUESTION: How widely is the freeze-all strategy implemented in clinical practice, and what are its indications?
DESIGN: This multicentre, prospective observational study included women aged ���18 years with subfertility and a clinical indication for IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) across 24 Spanish assisted reproductive treatment (ART) centres. Patients were included between February 2021 and July 2022, and followed-up until confirmation of pregnancy (ongoing pregnancy, ���20 weeks) or 6 months after cryopreservation. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who cryopreserved all available embryos and the main indications.
RESULTS: The population comprised 1034 evaluable women (mean �� SD age 36.3 �� 4.1 years). The main causes of subfertility were male factor (301/1034, 29.1%) and maternal age (277/1034, 26.8%). Ovarian stimulation with FSH plus highly purified urinary human menopausal gonadotrophin/LH was performed in 466/906 (51.4%) women. For pituitary down-regulation, most women (704/881, 79.9%) received the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist ganirelix. The freeze-all strategy was indicated in 794 (78.1%) patients, with the most common reasons being planned preimplantation genetic testing (490/794, 61.7%) and risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (192/794, 24.2%). Of the 709 first embryo transfers analysed, 132 (18.6%) were fresh embryo transfers and 577 (81.4%) were frozen embryo transfers. By the third embryo transfer, the cumulative rates of clinical and ongoing pregnancy per embryo transfer were 72.2% (436/604) and 62.9% (317/504), respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: The preferred treatment strategy in the study cohort was to freeze all available embryos, mainly because of planned preimplantation genetic testing and to avoid the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0womenembryostrategypregnancyclinicalstudysubfertilitytransferstransferfreeze-allincludedyearsIVF24treatmentongoingpatientsavailableembryosmainindications��age1%Ovarianstimulation4%9%plannedpreimplantationgenetictestingriskovarianhyperstimulationsyndrome2%cohortFreeze-allRESEARCHQUESTION:widelyimplementedpracticeindications?DESIGN:multicentreprospectiveobservationalaged���18indicationintracytoplasmicsperminjectionICSIacrossSpanishassistedreproductiveARTcentresPatientsFebruary2021July2022followed-upconfirmation���20weeks6monthscryopreservationprimaryendpointproportioncryopreservedRESULTS:populationcomprised1034evaluablemeanSD36341causesmalefactor301/103429maternal277/1034268%FSHplushighlypurifiedurinaryhumanmenopausalgonadotrophin/LHperformed466/90651pituitarydown-regulation704/88179receivedgonadotrophin-releasinghormoneantagonistganirelixindicated79478commonreasons490/794617%192/794709firstanalysed132186%fresh57781frozenthirdcumulativeratesper72436/60462317/504respectivelyCONCLUSIONS:preferredfreezemainlyavoidundergoingIVF:EmbryoOngoingrate

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