Evaluation of clinical findings in cases of child sexual abuse.

Abd��lkadir ��zci, Ay��e Kurtulu�� Dereli, Kemalettin Acar
Author Information
  1. Abd��lkadir ��zci: Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University, Denizli, T��rkiye.
  2. Ay��e Kurtulu�� Dereli: Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University, Denizli, T��rkiye.
  3. Kemalettin Acar: Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University, Denizli, T��rkiye.


BACKGROUND: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a severe problem with physical, emotional, social, moral, cultural, and legal dimensions, which is estimated to be quite common worldwide.
METHODS: In this retrospective study including 262 CSA cases admitted to our outpatient clinic between 2013 and 2022, we examine the characteristics of the victim and the abuse and examination findings in cases of CSA.
RESULTS: In our study, most of the victims were females over the age of 12, and most of the suspects were known to the child. Approximately half of the incidents (50.1%) occurred in a home. These data are essential in determining the risk factors of CSA cases and in terms of early detection and timely prevention. Vaginal penetration (40.8%) and anal penetration (32.4%) are frequently present in the history of CSA victims. A history of vaginal penetration was associated with acute and healed laceration findings in the hymen (p.


MeSH Term

Retrospective Studies
Child Abuse, Sexual
Child, Preschool
Risk Factors
Physical Examination

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0CSAabusecasessexualfindingschildpenetrationstudyexaminationvictimshistoryBACKGROUND:ChildsevereproblemphysicalemotionalsocialmoralculturallegaldimensionsestimatedquitecommonworldwideMETHODS:retrospectiveincluding262admittedoutpatientclinic20132022examinecharacteristicsvictimRESULTS:femalesage12suspectsknownApproximatelyhalfincidents501%occurredhomedataessentialdeterminingriskfactorstermsearlydetectiontimelypreventionVaginal408%anal324%frequentlypresentvaginalassociatedacutehealedlacerationhymenpEvaluationclinicalanogenital

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