Critical role of microRNAs in cellular quality control during brain aging and neurological disorders: Interplay between autophagy and proteostasis.

Rajesh Tamatta, Abhishek Kumar Singh
Author Information
  1. Rajesh Tamatta: Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, Manipal 576 104, India.
  2. Abhishek Kumar Singh: Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, Manipal 576 104, India. Electronic address:


A decline in cellular quality control mechanisms is one of the processes of brain aging. Autophagy and proteostasis are two regulatory mechanisms that maintain cellular component turnover to preserve cellular homeostasis, optimal function, and neuronal health by eliminating damaged and aggregated proteins and preventing neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs). Impaired autophagy and proteostasis are significant hallmarks of aging and many age-related NDDs. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNA molecules that have recently been shown to be essential for regulating several biological processes, such as autophagy, proteostasis, cellular differentiation, and development by targeting mRNA's 3'untranslated region (3'UTR). During brain aging, miRNAs have been shown to dysregulate proteostasis and autophagy, resulting in abnormal cellular activity and protein aggregation, a characteristic of age-related NDDs. This review highlights the complex interactions of miRNAs in the orchestration of proteostasis and autophagy. This dysregulation impairs autophagic flux and proteostasis and accelerates age-related disorders, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration. Understanding the complex interactions among miRNAs, autophagy, and proteostasis in the aging brain is essential for novel therapeutics development for age-related NDDs.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0proteostasiscellularautophagyagingbrainNDDsage-relatedmiRNAsqualitycontrolmechanismsprocessesAutophagydisordersshownessentialdevelopmentcomplexinteractionsdeclineonetworegulatorymaintaincomponentturnoverpreservehomeostasisoptimalfunctionneuronalhealtheliminatingdamagedaggregatedproteinspreventingneurodegenerativeImpairedsignificanthallmarksmanyMicroRNAsnoncodingRNAmoleculesrecentlyregulatingseveralbiologicaldifferentiationtargetingmRNA's3'untranslatedregion3'UTRdysregulateresultingabnormalactivityproteinaggregationcharacteristicreviewhighlightsorchestrationdysregulationimpairsautophagicfluxacceleratesneuroinflammationneurodegenerationUnderstandingamongnoveltherapeuticsCriticalrolemicroRNAsneurologicaldisorders:InterplayNeurodegenerationNeuroinflammationProteostasismiRNA

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