Analysis of Various Surgical Approaches to Supratrigonal Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair: A Tertiary Care Centre Experience.

Shivani Madhuchandra Iyer, Sanjeet Singh, Alok Srivastav
Author Information
  1. Shivani Madhuchandra Iyer: Department of Urology, Dr RML Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, UP, India.
  2. Sanjeet Singh: Department of Urology, Dr RML Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, UP, India.
  3. Alok Srivastav: Department of Urology, Dr RML Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, UP, India.


INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is a devastating obstetric complication. Transvaginal, transabdominal, laparoscopic and robotic repairs have been proposed. This study was carried out to compare peri-operative and post-operative parameters of supratrigonal VVF repair to find out the best surgical approach among vaginal, abdominal and laparoscopic approaches.
METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was carried out from January 2015 to January 2021. A total of 175 women suffering from VVF were screened and 150 women with supratrigonal VVF were recruited. VVF repair was performed using transvaginal, transabdominal and laparoscopic approaches (50 repairs using each approach). Parameters such as success rate, operative time, blood loss, post-operative complications and hospital stay were recorded. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS Version 21. Written informed consent was taken before the recruitment of subjects.
RESULTS: Lower (uterine) segment Caesarean section, open or laparoscopic hysterectomy and obstructed labour were the common causes. Statistical analysis showed that mean operative time was significantly lower in vaginal repair, whereas analgesic requirement, hospital stay and blood loss were significantly lower in vaginal and laparoscopic repair. Urinary tract infection was seen in all three approaches, and was resolved by administration of antibiotics post-operatively. Minor wound infection was seen only in the transabdominal repair group, which resolved with the regular application of dressings. None of the patients developed recurrence during follow-up.
CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal and laparoscopic repairs are safe and effective approaches for VVF repair. However, laparoscopic repair requires a steep learning curve. Transvaginal repair has a significantly shorter operative time. Hence, in simple supratrigonal VVF, a transvaginal repair can be a preferred option.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0repairVVFlaparoscopicfistulaTransvaginalapproachesvesicovaginalVesicovaginaltransabdominalrepairscarriedsupratrigonalvaginalusingoperativetimesignificantlystudypost-operativeapproachJanuarywomentransvaginalbloodlosshospitalstayStatisticalanalysislowerinfectionseenresolvedSupratrigonalINTRODUCTIONANDHYPOTHESIS:devastatingobstetriccomplicationroboticproposedcompareperi-operativeparametersfindbestsurgicalamongabdominalMETHODS:quasi-experimental20152021total175sufferingscreened150recruitedperformed50ParameterssuccessratecomplicationsrecordedSPSSVersion21WritteninformedconsenttakenrecruitmentsubjectsRESULTS:LoweruterinesegmentCaesareansectionopenhysterectomyobstructedlabourcommoncausesshowedmeanwhereasanalgesicrequirementUrinarytractthreeadministrationantibioticspost-operativelyMinorwoundgroupregularapplicationdressingsNonepatientsdevelopedrecurrencefollow-upCONCLUSIONS:safeeffectiveHoweverrequiressteeplearningcurveshorterHencesimplecanpreferredoptionAnalysisVariousSurgicalApproachesFistulaRepair:TertiaryCareCentreExperienceLaparoscopicTransabdominal

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