Acceptability and satisfaction of a mindfulness-based healthy eating and stress management program targeting economically marginalized families in a pilot trial.

Sisi Chen, Jiying Ling, Reese Buhlman, Sophia Tadavich, Tsui-Sui Annie Kao
Author Information
  1. Sisi Chen: Department of Exercise Science, Mercer University College of Health Professions, Macon, GA, United States.
  2. Jiying Ling: Michigan State University College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI, United States. ORCID
  3. Reese Buhlman: Michigan State University College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI, United States.
  4. Sophia Tadavich: Michigan State University College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI, United States.
  5. Tsui-Sui Annie Kao: Michigan State University College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI, United States. ORCID


OBJECTIVES: To inform and improve future program development, particularly with economically marginalized families, this study aimed to examine the acceptance and satisfaction of a mindfulness-based healthy eating and stress management program among participating parents and daycare teachers in a pilot trial.
METHODS: A mixed-methods study was conducted to evaluate a 14-week mindfulness-based program implemented with 107 English-speaking Head Start children (ages 3-5 years) and their parents. The program included a school-based mindful eating curriculum, a home-based parent component to promote mindful eating and reduce parental stress, and a bridging activity connecting home practice with school learning. Quantitative evaluation data were collected from 84 parents (Mage���=���30.12���years) and 12 teachers (Mage���=���43.92���years) via Qualtrics. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 20 parents (Mage���=���31.55���years). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to analyze data.
RESULTS: Both quantitative (95.2%) and qualitative data demonstrated overall satisfaction with the entire program. About 83%-92% of teachers and 85% of parents considered the school-based curriculum to be satisfactory and acceptable. About 88%-100% of parents were satisfied with the Facebook private group and parent meetings. Approximately 91% of parents found the child letters helpful in connecting and translating school learning into mindful practices at home.
CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrate high levels of acceptance and satisfaction with the mindfulness-based program among economically marginalized families and daycare teachers. Findings provide several key implications for future interventions to incorporate a mindful eating curriculum into daycare routines, proactively connect home practices with school learning to enhance the interactive influence between children and parents, and form a virtual peer support community through social media platforms and group meetings.



  1. G-1904-144322/Michigan Health Endowment Fund

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0parentsprogrameatingsatisfactionmindfulness-basedstressteachersmindfuleconomicallymarginalizedfamiliesdaycarecurriculumhomeschoollearningdatafuturestudyacceptancehealthymanagementamongpilottrialconductedchildrenschool-basedparentconnectinggroupmeetingspracticesOBJECTIVES:informimprovedevelopmentparticularlyaimedexamineparticipatingMETHODS:mixed-methodsevaluate14-weekimplemented107English-speakingHeadStartages3-5 yearsincludedhome-basedcomponentpromotereduceparentalbridgingactivitypracticeQuantitativeevaluationcollected84Mage���=���3012���years12Mage���=���4392���yearsviaQualtricsSemistructuredinterviews20Mage���=���3155���yearsDescriptivestatisticsthematicanalysisusedanalyzeRESULTS:quantitative952%qualitativedemonstratedoverallentire83%-92%85%consideredsatisfactoryacceptable88%-100%satisfiedFacebookprivateApproximately91%foundchildlettershelpfultranslatingCONCLUSIONS:ResultsdemonstratehighlevelsFindingsprovideseveralkeyimplicationsinterventionsincorporateroutinesproactivelyconnectenhanceinteractiveinfluenceformvirtualpeersupportcommunitysocialmediaplatformsAcceptabilitytargetingacceptabilityfamilyinterventionmindfulness

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