A scoping review of Spanish language pediatric digital health interventions.

Alejandra Perez Ramirez, Angel Mu��oz Osorio, Samuel Lai, Richard James, Adrian Ortega, Kimberly S Canter
Author Information
  1. Alejandra Perez Ramirez: Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, Nemours Children's Health, Wilmington, DE, United States. ORCID
  2. Angel Mu��oz Osorio: Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, Nemours Children's Health, Wilmington, DE, United States. ORCID
  3. Samuel Lai: Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, Nemours Children's Health, Wilmington, DE, United States.
  4. Richard James: Library Services, Nemours Children's Health, Wilmington, DE, United States. ORCID
  5. Adrian Ortega: Department of Preventive Medicine, Center for Behavior Intervention Technologies, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Evanston, IL, United States. ORCID
  6. Kimberly S Canter: Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, Nemours Children's Health, Wilmington, DE, United States. ORCID


OBJECTIVE: Despite the growing number of Hispanic/Latino families in the United States, major concerns are reported when navigating the healthcare system. Monolingual Spanish-speaking families may experience compounded barriers given the inconsistent availability of Spanish resources and services in traditional healthcare settings. Digital health interventions have the potential to alleviate some barriers in healthcare for these individuals. This scoping review summarizes the state of the literature on the development, adaptation, and implementation of pediatric Spanish-language digital health interventions offered to Spanish-speaking families in the United States to better understand current cultural-sensitivity practices and strategies implemented by researchers.
METHODS: A search in major databases was completed in May 2024. Articles that discussed the development, implementation, or outcome of any digital health intervention primarily oriented to a Spanish-speaking pediatric population in the United States were included. Telephone- and telehealth-only interventions were excluded.
RESULTS: A total of 44 articles were reviewed, representing 30 unique digital health interventions. Most covered preventive health topics, utilized SMS texting, and were intended primarily for parents/caregivers. Only 22 articles discussed specific methods to culturally tailor the intervention. The most common methods implemented were advisory boards and collecting qualitative data from parents/caregivers and youth. About 50% of articles reported results related to efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility.
CONCLUSION: While similar methods are implemented to develop and adapt these interventions, there is ample variation throughout the process. Including and learning directly from intended users in the adaptation and development phases of digital health interventions can help create quality and culturally appropriate digital health programs for families.



  1. /National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the NIH

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthinterventionsdigitalfamiliespediatricUnitedStateshealthcareSpanish-speakingdevelopmentimplementedarticlesmethodsmajorreportedbarriersSpanishscopingreviewadaptationimplementationSpanish-languagediscussedinterventionprimarilyintendedparents/caregiversculturallyOBJECTIVE:DespitegrowingnumberHispanic/LatinoconcernsnavigatingsystemMonolingualmayexperiencecompoundedgiveninconsistentavailabilityresourcesservicestraditionalsettingsDigitalpotentialalleviateindividualssummarizesstateliteratureofferedbetterunderstandcurrentcultural-sensitivitypracticesstrategiesresearchersMETHODS:searchdatabasescompletedMay2024ArticlesoutcomeorientedpopulationincludedTelephone-telehealth-onlyexcludedRESULTS:total44reviewedrepresenting30uniquecoveredpreventivetopicsutilizedSMStexting22specifictailorcommonadvisoryboardscollectingqualitativedatayouth50%resultsrelatedefficacyacceptabilityfeasibilityCONCLUSION:similardevelopadaptamplevariationthroughoutprocessIncludinglearningdirectlyusersphasescanhelpcreatequalityappropriateprogramslanguageculturalcompetence

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