Christopher X Hong, Beth Shrosbree, Pamela J Levin, Deborah M Rooney, Payton C Schmidt
INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Existing models for obstetric laceration repair often require specialized materials and are time-consuming to construct. We created the Paper perineum model, a paper template that can be printed, cut, and folded into a three-dimensional representation of the vagina, perineum, and anal sphincter complex. The model is designed as an accessible and low-cost educational tool specifically for nascent learners. Our objective was to assess the model's effectiveness in improving medical students' understanding of obstetric laceration repair.
METHODS: We conducted a prospective pilot study with a cohort of fourth-year medical students matriculating into obstetrics and gynecology residency training. In a workshop environment, students assembled printed model templates and simulated obstetric lacerations to learn the basic steps and surgical techniques involved in repairing lacerations. Students completed surveys to self-assess their knowledge before and after the workshop.
RESULTS: Of the 31 participants, the proportion of students who self-rated their knowledge as "moderate" or "significant" regarding the basic steps of a second-degree perineal laceration repair rose from 2/31 (6.5%) to 31/31 (P���<���.01); for knowledge of suture planes, the proportion increased from 1/31 (3.2%) to 31/31 (P���<���.01). Over 90% of students rated the model as either "very helpful" or "extremely helpful" in enhancing their understanding of vaginal and perineal anatomy, anatomical relationships, steps of a perineal laceration repair, and suture planes relevant to such repairs.
CONCLUSIONS: The Paper perineum model is a readily accessible three-dimensional model that enables basic simulation of obstetric laceration repair and requires minimal advanced preparation from clinician educators. The model is freely available at .