Food safety assessment of genetically modified soybean DBN9004��DBN8002��DBN8205 in a subchronic rodent feeding study.

Qinghong Zhou, Yinghua Liu, Shujing Zhang, Shufei Li, Miao Zhao, Xiaoli Zhou, Dianming Zhou, Zhiyong Qian
Author Information
  1. Qinghong Zhou: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  2. Yinghua Liu: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  3. Shujing Zhang: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  4. Shufei Li: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  5. Miao Zhao: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  6. Xiaoli Zhou: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  7. Dianming Zhou: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China.
  8. Zhiyong Qian: Department of Toxicology, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NHC Specialty Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Standard Development (Tianjin), Tianjin, 300011, China. Electronic address:


Soybeans provide a nutritionally complete plant-based protein, containing all nine essential amino acids and bioactive compounds. The food safety of a novel triple-stacked genetically modified (GM) soybean, DBN9004 �� DBN8002 �� DBN8205 was evaluated in a 90-day rat feeding study. The GM soybean, developed through conventional hybridization of three GM lines (DBN9004, DBN8002 and DBN8205), incorporates genes conferring resistance to glyphosate (epsps), glufosinate (pat), and lepidopteran pests (cry1Ac, cry2Ab2, and mVip3Aa). One hundred Wistar Han RCC rats were divided into five groups (n = 10/sex/group) and fed diets containing 15 % or 30 % GM soybean, non-GM soybean (Jack), or a basal diet for 90 days. No treatment-related effects on body weight/gain, food consumption/utilization, clinical signs, mortality, ophthalmology, clinical pathology (hematology, prothrombin time, urinalysis, serum chemistry), organ weights, and gross and microscopic pathology were observed in rats fed with the GM soybean compared to the non-GM Jack and the basal-diet group. In rats, the results of this 90-day feeding study suggest that there were no significant differences in safety between GM soybean DBN9004 �� DBN8002 �� DBN8205 compared to the non-GM Jack.


Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0soybeanGMsafetyfeedingstudymodified90-dayratsnon-GMJackcontainingfoodgeneticallyDBN9004 �� DBN8002 �� DBN8205fed%clinicalpathologycomparedFoodassessmentDBN9004��DBN8002��DBN8205Soybeansprovidenutritionallycompleteplant-basedproteinnineessentialaminoacidsbioactivecompoundsnoveltriple-stackedevaluatedratdevelopedconventionalhybridizationthreelinesDBN9004DBN8002DBN8205incorporatesgenesconferringresistanceglyphosateepspsglufosinatepatlepidopteranpestscry1Accry2Ab2mVip3AaOnehundredWistarHanRCCdividedfivegroupsn = 10/sex/groupdiets1530basaldiet90daystreatment-relatedeffectsbodyweight/gainconsumption/utilizationsignsmortalityophthalmologyhematologyprothrombintimeurinalysisserumchemistryorganweightsgrossmicroscopicobservedbasal-dietgroupresultssuggestsignificantdifferencessubchronicrodentGeneticallyRat

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