Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies (TWAS) Atlas is a curated knowledgebase of transcriptome-wide association studies, integrating trait-associated transcriptome signals from TWAS publications and constructing TWAS knowledge graph to provide reliable and practical resource for researchers.
e.g. Lung Cancer; EFO:0004339; RBM6; ENSG00000004534.14
TWAS Atlas version 1.0 was online on 2022-05-15 and knowledge graph was constructed with curated associations. --2022/05/15
A total of 401,226 TWAS associations were curated from 200 publications, covering 257 traits and 22,247 genes. --2022/04/25
Please cite our publication as "TWAS Atlas: a curated knowledgebase of transcriptome-wide association studies. Nucleic Acids Res, 2023 [PMID=36243959]."
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