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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Plant Transcription Factor Database
Description: PlantTFDB provides genomic TF repertoires across Viridiplantae. Based on the family assignment rules, we identified 320,370 transcription factors from 165 species and classified them into 58 families. Species included in PlantTFDB 4.0 covers the main lineages of green plants, providing genomic TF repertoires across green plants.
Year founded: 2008
Last update: 2019-10
Version: v5.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: China

Contact information

University/Institution: Peking University
Address: 1 State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, School of Life Sciences, Center for Bioinformatics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China. 2 Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics (ICG), Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center (BIOPIC), Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China.
City: Beijing
Province/State: Beijing
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Ge Gao
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


PlantTFDB 4.0: toward a central hub for transcription factors and regulatory interactions in plants. [PMID: 27924042]
Jin J, Tian F, Yang DC, Meng YQ, Kong L, Luo J, Gao G.

With the goal of providing a comprehensive, high-quality resource for both plant transcription factors (TFs) and their regulatory interactions with target genes, we upgraded plant TF database PlantTFDB to version 4.0 ( In the new version, we identified 320 370 TFs from 165 species, presenting a more comprehensive genomic TF repertoires of green plants. Besides updating the pre-existing abundant functional and evolutionary annotation for identified TFs, we generated three new types of annotation which provide more directly clues to investigate functional mechanisms underlying: (i) a set of high-quality, non-redundant TF binding motifs derived from experiments; (ii) multiple types of regulatory elements identified from high-throughput sequencing data; (iii) regulatory interactions curated from literature and inferred by combining TF binding motifs and regulatory elements. In addition, we upgraded previous TF prediction server, and set up four novel tools for regulation prediction and functional enrichment analyses. Finally, we set up a novel companion portal PlantRegMap ( for users to access the regulation resource and analysis tools conveniently.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2017:45(D1) | 897 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-05)
PlantTFDB 3.0: a portal for the functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors. [PMID: 24174544]
Jin J, Zhang H, Kong L, Gao G, Luo J.

With the aim to provide a resource for functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors (TFs), we updated the plant TF database PlantTFDB to version 3.0 ( After refining the TF classification pipeline, we systematically identified 129 288 TFs from 83 species, of which 67 species have genome sequences, covering main lineages of green plants. Besides the abundant annotation provided in the previous version, we generated more annotations for identified TFs, including expression, regulation, interaction, conserved elements, phenotype information, expert-curated descriptions derived from UniProt, TAIR and NCBI GeneRIF, as well as references to provide clues for functional studies of TFs. To help identify evolutionary relationship among identified TFs, we assigned 69 450 TFs into 3924 orthologous groups, and constructed 9217 phylogenetic trees for TFs within the same families or same orthologous groups, respectively. In addition, we set up a TF prediction server in this version for users to identify TFs from their own sequences.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2014:42(Database issue) | 498 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-05)
PlantTFDB 2.0: update and improvement of the comprehensive plant transcription factor database. [PMID: 21097470]
Zhang H, Jin J, Tang L, Zhao Y, Gu X, Gao G, Luo J.

We updated the plant transcription factor (TF) database to version 2.0 (PlantTFDB 2.0, which contains 53,319 putative TFs predicted from 49 species. We made detailed annotation including general information, domain feature, gene ontology, expression pattern and ortholog groups, as well as cross references to various databases and literature citations for these TFs classified into 58 newly defined families with computational approach and manual inspection. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees for each family can be shown as Weblogo pictures or downloaded as text files. We have redesigned the user interface in the new version. Users can search TFs with much more flexibility through the improved advanced search page, and the search results can be exported into various formats for further analysis. In addition, we now provide web service for advanced users to access PlantTFDB 2.0 more efficiently.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2011:39(Database issue) | 183 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-05)
Computational identification of plant transcription factors and the construction of the PlantTFDB database. [PMID: 20827602]
He K, Guo AY, Gao G, Zhu QH, Liu XC, Zhang H, Chen X, Gu X, Luo J.

Transcription factors (TFs) play an important role in gene regulation. Computational identification and annotation of TFs at genome scale are the first step toward understanding the mechanism of gene expression and regulation. We started to construct the database of Arabidopsis TFs in 2005 and developed a pipeline for systematic identification of plant TFs from genomic and transcript sequences. In the following years, we built a database of plant TFs (PlantTFDB, ) which contains putative TFs identified from 22 species including five model organisms and 17 economically important plants with available EST sequences. To provide comprehensive information for the putative TFs, we made extensive annotation at both the family and gene levels. A brief introduction and key references were presented for each family. Functional domain information and cross-references to various well-known public databases were available for each identified TF. In addition, we predicted putative orthologs of the TFs in other species. PlantTFDB has a simple interface to allow users to make text queries, or BLAST searches, and to download TF sequences for local analysis. We hope that PlantTFDB could provide the user community with a useful resource for studying the function and evolution of transcription factors.

Methods Mol Biol. 2010:674() | 9 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-05)
PlantTFDB: a comprehensive plant transcription factor database. [PMID: 17933783]
Guo AY, Chen X, Gao G, Zhang H, Zhu QH, Liu XC, Zhong YF, Gu X, He K, Luo J.

Transcription factors (TFs) play key roles in controlling gene expression. Systematic identification and annotation of TFs, followed by construction of TF databases may serve as useful resources for studying the function and evolution of transcription factors. We developed a comprehensive plant transcription factor database PlantTFDB (, which contains 26,402 TFs predicted from 22 species, including five model organisms with available whole genome sequence and 17 plants with available EST sequences. To provide comprehensive information for those putative TFs, we made extensive annotation at both family and gene levels. A brief introduction and key references were presented for each family. Functional domain information and cross-references to various well-known public databases were available for each identified TF. In addition, we predicted putative orthologs of those TFs among the 22 species. PlantTFDB has a simple interface to allow users to search the database by IDs or free texts, to make sequence similarity search against TFs of all or individual species, and to download TF sequences for local analysis.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2008:36(Database issue) | 136 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-05)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2022-06-09]
Lina Ma [2021-09-03]
Dong Zou [2020-10-14]
Lina Ma [2018-05-10]
Shixiang Sun [2017-02-20]
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Shixiang Sun [2015-11-21]
Shixiang Sun [2015-06-26]