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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Microbial Genome Annotation & Analysis Platform
Description: The MicroScope platform is an integrative resource that supports systematic and efficient revision of microbial genome annotation, data management and comparative analysis. Starting from the results of our syntactic, functional and relational annotation pipelines, MicroScope provides an integrated environment for the expert annotation and comparative analysis of prokaryotic genomes. It combines tools and graphical interfaces to analyze genomes and to perform the manual curation of gene function in a comparative genomics and metabolic context.
Year founded: 2009
Last update: 2018-09-18
Version: v3.11.1
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: France

Contact information

University/Institution: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Address: CEA-DRF-Jacob-Genoscope LABGeM 2, rue Gaston Crémieux 91057 Evry Cedex FRANCE
City: Evry
Country/Region: France
Contact name (PI/Team): David Vallenet
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


MicroScope: an integrated platform for the annotation and exploration of microbial gene functions through genomic, pangenomic and metabolic comparative analysis. [PMID: 31647104]
Vallenet D, Calteau A, Dubois M, Amours P, Bazin A, Beuvin M, Burlot L, Bussell X, Fouteau S, Gautreau G, Lajus A, Langlois J, Planel R, Roche D, Rollin J, Rouy Z, Sabatet V, Médigue C.

Large-scale genome sequencing and the increasingly massive use of high-throughput approaches produce a vast amount of new information that completely transforms our understanding of thousands of microbial species. However, despite the development of powerful bioinformatics approaches, full interpretation of the content of these genomes remains a difficult task. Launched in 2005, the MicroScope platform ( has been under continuous development and provides analysis for prokaryotic genome projects together with metabolic network reconstruction and post-genomic experiments allowing users to improve the understanding of gene functions. Here we present new improvements of the MicroScope user interface for genome selection, navigation and expert gene annotation. Automatic functional annotation procedures of the platform have also been updated and we added several new tools for the functional annotation of genes and genomic regions. We finally focus on new tools and pipeline developed to perform comparative analyses on hundreds of genomes based on pangenome graphs. To date, MicroScope contains data for >11 800 microbial genomes, part of which are manually curated and maintained by microbiologists (>4500 personal accounts in September 2019). The platform enables collaborative work in a rich comparative genomic context and improves community-based curation efforts.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2020:48(D1) | 145 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-19)
MicroScope in 2017: an expanding and evolving integrated resource for community expertise of microbial genomes. [PMID: 27899624]
Vallenet D, Calteau A, Cruveiller S, Gachet M, Lajus A, Josso A, Mercier J, Renaux A, Rollin J, Rouy Z, Roche D, Scarpelli C, Médigue C.

The annotation of genomes from NGS platforms needs to be automated and fully integrated. However, maintaining consistency and accuracy in genome annotation is a challenging problem because millions of protein database entries are not assigned reliable functions. This shortcoming limits the knowledge that can be extracted from genomes and metabolic models. Launched in 2005, the MicroScope platform ( is an integrative resource that supports systematic and efficient revision of microbial genome annotation, data management and comparative analysis. Effective comparative analysis requires a consistent and complete view of biological data, and therefore, support for reviewing the quality of functional annotation is critical. MicroScope allows users to analyze microbial (meta)genomes together with post-genomic experiment results if any (i.e. transcriptomics, re-sequencing of evolved strains, mutant collections, phenotype data). It combines tools and graphical interfaces to analyze genomes and to perform the expert curation of gene functions in a comparative context. Starting with a short overview of the MicroScope system, this paper focuses on some major improvements of the Web interface, mainly for the submission of genomic data and on original tools and pipelines that have been developed and integrated in the platform: computation of pan-genomes and prediction of biosynthetic gene clusters. Today the resource contains data for more than 6000 microbial genomes, and among the 2700 personal accounts (65% of which are now from foreign countries), 14% of the users are performing expert annotations, on at least a weekly basis, contributing to improve the quality of microbial genome annotations. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2017:45(D1) | 124 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-19)
MicroScope--an integrated microbial resource for the curation and comparative analysis of genomic and metabolic data. [PMID: 23193269]
Vallenet D, Belda E, Calteau A, Cruveiller S, Engelen S, Lajus A, Le Fèvre F, Longin C, Mornico D, Roche D, Rouy Z, Salvignol G, Scarpelli C, Thil Smith AA, Weiman M, Médigue C.

MicroScope is an integrated platform dedicated to both the methodical updating of microbial genome annotation and to comparative analysis. The resource provides data from completed and ongoing genome projects (automatic and expert annotations), together with data sources from post-genomic experiments (i.e. transcriptomics, mutant collections) allowing users to perfect and improve the understanding of gene functions. MicroScope ( combines tools and graphical interfaces to analyse genomes and to perform the manual curation of gene annotations in a comparative context. Since its first publication in January 2006, the system (previously named MaGe for Magnifying Genomes) has been continuously extended both in terms of data content and analysis tools. The last update of MicroScope was published in 2009 in the Database journal. Today, the resource contains data for >1600 microbial genomes, of which ?300 are manually curated and maintained by biologists (1200 personal accounts today). Expert annotations are continuously gathered in the MicroScope database (?50 000 a year), contributing to the improvement of the quality of microbial genomes annotations. Improved data browsing and searching tools have been added, original tools useful in the context of expert annotation have been developed and integrated and the website has been significantly redesigned to be more user-friendly. Furthermore, in the context of the European project Microme (Framework Program 7 Collaborative Project), MicroScope is becoming a resource providing for the curation and analysis of both genomic and metabolic data. An increasing number of projects are related to the study of environmental bacterial (meta)genomes that are able to metabolize a large variety of chemical compounds that may be of high industrial interest.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2013:41(Database issue) | 266 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-19)
MicroScope: a platform for microbial genome annotation and comparative genomics. [PMID: 20157493]
Vallenet D, Engelen S, Mornico D, Cruveiller S, Fleury L, Lajus A, Rouy Z, Roche D, Salvignol G, Scarpelli C, Médigue C.

The initial outcome of genome sequencing is the creation of long text strings written in a four letter alphabet. The role of in silico sequence analysis is to assist biologists in the act of associating biological knowledge with these sequences, allowing investigators to make inferences and predictions that can be tested experimentally. A wide variety of software is available to the scientific community, and can be used to identify genomic objects, before predicting their biological functions. However, only a limited number of biologically interesting features can be revealed from an isolated sequence. Comparative genomics tools, on the other hand, by bringing together the information contained in numerous genomes simultaneously, allow annotators to make inferences based on the idea that evolution and natural selection are central to the definition of all biological processes. We have developed the MicroScope platform in order to offer a web-based framework for the systematic and efficient revision of microbial genome annotation and comparative analysis ( Starting with the description of the flow chart of the annotation processes implemented in the MicroScope pipeline, and the development of traditional and novel microbial annotation and comparative analysis tools, this article emphasizes the essential role of expert annotation as a complement of automatic annotation. Several examples illustrate the use of implemented tools for the review and curation of annotations of both new and publicly available microbial genomes within MicroScope's rich integrated genome framework. The platform is used as a viewer in order to browse updated annotation information of available microbial genomes (more than 440 organisms to date), and in the context of new annotation projects (117 bacterial genomes). The human expertise gathered in the MicroScope database (about 280,000 independent annotations) contributes to improve the quality of microbial genome annotation, especially for genomes initially analyzed by automatic procedures alone.Database URLs: and

Database (Oxford). 2009:2009() | 157 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-10-19)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
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huma shireen [2018-12-27]
Fatima Batool [2018-09-03]
Lina Ma [2018-06-11]
Lina Ma [2018-06-10]
Shixiang Sun [2017-02-16]
Zhang Zhang [2016-05-08]
Lin Liu [2016-04-17]
Lin Liu [2016-03-29]
Zhang Zhang [2016-01-06]
Li Yang [2015-06-26]