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Individual Accession | Individual Name | Gender | Sample Accession | Sample Name | Sample Description |
Individual Accession | Individual Name | Gender | Sample Accession | Sample Name | Sample Description |
HRI077736 | Skin-Y-18 | female | HRS118996 | Skin-Y-18 | Young group |
HRI077737 | Skin-Y-22 | female | HRS118997 | Skin-Y-22 | Young group |
HRI077738 | Skin-Y-23 | female | HRS118998 | Skin-Y-23 | Young group |
HRI077739 | Skin-M-44 | female | HRS118999 | Skin-M-44 | Middle-aged group |
HRI077740 | Skin-M-47 | female | HRS119000 | Skin-M-47 | Middle-aged group |
HRI077741 | Skin-M-48 | female | HRS119001 | Skin-M-48 | Middle-aged group |
HRI077742 | Skin-O-70 | female | HRS119002 | Skin-O-70 | Old group |
HRI077743 | Skin-O-73 | female | HRS119003 | Skin-O-73 | Old group |
HRI077744 | Skin-O-76 | female | HRS119004 | Skin-O-76 | Old group |
Run accession | Files | Experiment | Experiment title | Platform | Sample |
Run accession | Files | Experiment | Experiment title | Platform | Sample |
HRR172193 | HRR172193_f1.fastq.gz (8.25 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) |
HRR172193_r2.fastq.gz (7.69 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) | |
HRR172194 | HRR172194_f1.fastq.gz (8.96 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) |
HRR172194_r2.fastq.gz (7.69 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) | |
HRR172195 | HRR172195_f1.fastq.gz (11.88 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) |
HRR172195_r2.fastq.gz (10.59 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) | |
HRR172196 | HRR172196_f1.fastq.gz (6.61 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) |
HRR172196_r2.fastq.gz (5.88 GB) | HRX138216 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 18-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118996 (SAMC1541533) | |
HRR172197 | HRR172197_f1.fastq.gz (11.13 GB) | HRX138217 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 22-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118997 (SAMC1541537) |
HRR172197_r2.fastq.gz (9.71 GB) | HRX138217 | scRNA-seq of the skin of an 22-year-old | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 | HRS118997 (SAMC1541537) |