Experiment information
Accession CRX028521
Organism Glycine max
Title PacBio
BioProject PRJCA000902
BioSample SAMC044340
Platform PacBio Sequel
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
m54051 A 20 kb library were constructed with the standard PacBio library preparation protocols OTHER GENOMIC RANDOM SINGLE
Processing Planned read length (bp): 10
Release date2018-07-30
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR031672 CRR031672.tar.gz 13,914.74
CRR031673 CRR031673.tar.gz 12,576.52
CRR031674 CRR031674.tar.gz 14,085.36
CRR031675 CRR031675.tar.gz 9,930.27
CRR031676 CRR031676.tar.gz 15,871.95
CRR031677 CRR031677.tar.gz 15,379.84
CRR031678 CRR031678.tar.gz 13,999.42
CRR031679 CRR031679.tar.gz 17,710.54
CRR031680 CRR031680.tar.gz 20,059.84
CRR031681 CRR031681.tar.gz 21,310.43
CRR031682 CRR031682.tar.gz 23,095.01
CRR031683 CRR031683.tar.gz 21,433.94
CRR031684 CRR031684.tar.gz 23,996.3
CRR031685 CRR031685.tar.gz 24,011.42
CRR031686 CRR031686.tar.gz 18,567.06
CRR031687 CRR031687.tar.gz 19,041.67
CRR031688 CRR031688.tar.gz 18,266.69
SubmitterYanting Shen (ytshen@genetics.ac.cn)
OrganizationInstitute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Date submitted2018-07-10