Functional Prediction (Based on curated interacting partners)
Please input a lncRNA symbol to get the associated GO terms, including molecular function (MF),
biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), and KEGG pathways. It is noted that biological
function is predicted based on the interacting partners derived from manual curation.
Functional Prediction (Based on co-expressed mRNAs)
Please input a lncRNA symbol to get the associated GO terms, including molecular function (MF),
biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), and KEGG pathways. It is noted that biological
function is predicted based on the interacting partners derived from co-expression.
Please input a gene symbol to obtain accession ID across different databases, including
LncExpDB, GENCODE, LNCipedia, NONCODE, BIGtranscriptome, CHESS, RefLnc, MiTranscriptome, and FANTOM.